Letter: MacHall renovations

By Hardave Birk

[RE: “Letter: U of C student consultation a farce,” Nov. 1, 2012]

One of the key platform promises of my election as Students’ Union president was to consult students on the future of MacEwan Student Centre because the university had put forward a draft plan for renovations. But that’s exactly what it is — a draft — and exactly why we need students’ opinions on it. 

This consultation is one of the most important initiatives the SU executive team is undertaking this year. We need to know what students want in MSC so that any redevelopment plan can reflect students’ needs and wants. This doesn’t mean that renovations will be happening today, tomorrow or even in five years, but it does mean that the needs and priorities of students will be reflected in a long-term plan for a building that is the cornerstone of student life at the U of C.

To date, over 3,000 students have participated in the consultation. They are telling the SU what they love and hate about the MSC. We want everyone to get involved because student participation in our consultation will contribute to the recommendations we make to the draft plan. If students agree that parts of the university plan are unnecessary, they can make sure their voice is heard by taking our survey, walking through the compass, signing up for a focus group or attending a town hall. Go to mymachall.com to get involved. It’s so important for the future of student life at the U of C and the future of your SU.

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