Young Liberals push thorium energy

By Diltaj Atwal

At the next Liberal Party policy convention in February, a proposal that originated with University of Calgary students might lead Canada to develop thorium as a future energy source. “The idea came from Alberta Young Liberals,” said the president of the U of C Liberals, Vincent St. Pierre. “We said, ‘let’s make a new resolution… Continue reading Young Liberals push thorium energy

Two U of C students receive Rhodes scholarship

By Riley Hill

Two University of Calgary students were recently chosen as Rhode Scholars, placing them in the ranks of former prime ministers, U.S. presidents and Nobel Prize winners. The Rhodes scholarship gives graduate students the chance to study at Oxford University in England for two years, free of charge. Only 83 students are selected world wide every… Continue reading Two U of C students receive Rhodes scholarship

Wildrose On Campus sanctioned as club

By Riley Hill

The Students’ Union recently sanctioned Wildrose On Campus, a partisan club that hopes to mobilize students for a political party that has seen substantial growth in recent years. The WROC is part of a province-wide push from the Wildrose Party to increase its support amongst youth in Alberta. At the moment, the Wildrose lacks the… Continue reading Wildrose On Campus sanctioned as club

Northern Sprites: What’s the deal with drones?

By Sean Willett

When most people hear the word “drone,” they tend to think of a few very specific drones. Particulary the ones currently being used by the United States to carry out extrajudicial killings. Or perhaps they think of any of the many drones in movies, video games and books that are depicted as terrifying murder-robots. Either… Continue reading Northern Sprites: What’s the deal with drones?

New app limits family contact during holidays

By Melanie Bethune

With the holidays and their barrage of family encounters fast approaching, many University of Calgary students are bracing themselves for the inevitable onslaught of questions from prying aunts, nostalgic older siblings and confused grandparents concerned with their well being. This winter, many students will find themselves exhausted with repeating the same generic answers. One student… Continue reading New app limits family contact during holidays