The notorious anti-choice display put on by Campus Pro-Life every semester was asked to leave by the University of Calgary.
Despite being served with a notice to vacate, the CPL Genocide Awareness Campaign was displayed on the lawn between Science A, Science B and MacEwan Hall Mon., Mar 31 and Tue., Apr. 1. The signs depict images comparing abortion to the Holocaust and lynching of African Americans. The display has drawn vocal criticism from viewers–including a protest group camped in front of the display–the last five times it has been on campus. The Women’s Centre has also reported a significant spike in the number of visitors every time the display goes up.
Campus Security was on call but did not remove the group.
“They told us to turn our signs in because of complaints they had received because of the graphic images,” said CPL treasurer Leah Hallman. “That was an attempt to censor us because we have not been required to do this in the past.”
Hallman asserted that the university was denying them their freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights.
The group has been banned from any pro-life activity including the display, events and handout materials.