Only the milk is bad

By Corky Thatcher

Harry Stamper and A.J. Frost are my heroes, ’cause boy do Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck make these Armageddon characters likeable. Stamper and Frost are cool because they overcome the odds and successfully fly into space to divert that big-ass doomsday asteroid and save the planet. The story is a great example of the human… Continue reading Only the milk is bad

If you’re not coming out Saturday, we’ve got two words for you… it’s cancelled

By Josh Truba

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love wrestling and admit it, and those who love wrestling but refuse to admit it.For some reason, we all hold wrestling dear. It’s a common denominator among the human race. It was a part of our childhood and it remains a constant today. It’s… Continue reading If you’re not coming out Saturday, we’ve got two words for you… it’s cancelled

Blur, cheerleaders, and confused cowboys–they don’t just go woo hoo

By Julie Boulton

My payback for beating Chris last week was an assignment covering the Dinosaurs cheerleading tryouts: something I am just so suited to, given I don’t have blond hair, I own no make-up and my build is more suited to those playing on the field than those cheering about it (which posed a slight problem when… Continue reading Blur, cheerleaders, and confused cowboys–they don’t just go woo hoo

The rush is on

By Carla Young

Clubs, clubs everywhere… or rather chalk pictures, painted rocks and a car?This week is the annual Students’ Union Clubs Week where campus clubs can set up booths to entice students into joining their ranks. Creative options include chalking sidewalks, painting the rocks and if you’re an engineer, attaching cars to the Rock.There are over 140… Continue reading The rush is on

Mini club "how-to" guide

1. Decide what type of club your group fits into. There are three types: Limited, Unlimited and Fraternity.2. Complete the Students’ Union Sanctioning Applications form.3. Complete the SU sanctioned club agreement form.4. Create a club constitution.5. Complete a membership and executive list.6. Submit all the above information to the Clubs Committee for approval and sanctioning.Happy… Continue reading Mini club "how-to" guide

Shock the moneymakers

By Ryan Pelletier

Have you ever dreamed of winning your own piece of $2 million? If you answered yes, you should have been in Rm. 277 of MacEwan Student Centre for the "How To Stretch Your Money [So You Don’t Have To Drop Out of School And Ruin Your Life]" seminar presented by the Students’ Union, the Royal… Continue reading Shock the moneymakers

The time is now, really

By Russell Catt

As fall slowly drags along and students madly try to get all the courses they need, one realization becomes apparent: some courses suck. Knowing this, another question rears its ugly head: How do I get out? Answer: withdraw."There are two ways to get out of a course," said Students’ Union Vice-president Academic Toireasa Jespersen. "The… Continue reading The time is now, really

The Arctic Institute

By Kim Stock

Little-known fact about the University of Calgary: the MacKimmie Library Tower has an 11th floor! If that isn’t enough to blow your mind, on the 11th floor there resides the Arctic Institute–a prestigious Canadian museum.This information seems to have escaped many of the University of Calgary student body, with the exception of the students involved… Continue reading The Arctic Institute