Grievance Policy

In the event that any person has any complaint concerning the operations of the Gauntlet Publication Society or the content of the Gauntlet, that person may commence a grievance by outlining in writing their concern and submitting this written complaint (Grievance) to the Editor of the Gauntlet by delivering or mailing the Grievance to: Attn Editor, The Gauntlet, Room 319 MacEwan Hall, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4. The grievor must supply an address (the Grievor’s Address) to which the response to the grievor shall be delivered or mailed.

a. The Editors shall reply to the grievor by mailing or delivering a written response (the Editor’s Response) to the Grievor’s Address within 14 days of receiving a Grievance. In that response, the grievor shall be advised:
i. of the action, if any, to be taken by the Gauntlet; and
ii. of the grievor’s right to proceed to the Board, as set out in (b) below, if they are still unsatisfied.

b. In the event that the grievor is still unsatisfied by the Editor’s Response, the grievor may submit a further written statement to the Society’s Board by including:
i. a copy of the original Grievance;
ii. a copy of the Editor’s Response; and
iii. an outline of their ongoing concern.

This shall be submitted to the Gauntlet Publications Society Board of Directors, c/o the Business Manager, Gauntlet Publications Society, Room 319A MacEwan Hall, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4.

c. Within one month of the Grievance being delivered to the Board, the Board shall address the Grievance at a meeting of the Board and a written response (the Board’s Response) shall be mailed or delivered to the Grievor’s Address within 14 days of the meeting. The response shall also outline the grievor’s right to make further complaint to the Ombudsboard if not satisfied with the Board’s position.

d. In the event that a grievor is dissatisfied with the Board’s Response, the grievor may submit a written complaint to the Ombudsboard, c/o the Business Manager, Gauntlet Publications Society, Room 319A MacEwan Hall, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4. The Ombudsboard shall be appointed by the Gauntlet Publications Society Board of Directors for a one-year term as provided in the Gauntlet Publications Society By-laws, and shall consist of:
i. one University of Calgary student who may not be a Society member, a member of the Gauntlet staff, a member of the Students’ Legislative Council, an employee of the Students’ Union, an executive member of a Students’ Union club, or hold a position on the Students’ Union Review Board or Tribunal,
ii. one individual from the University of Calgary faculty,
iii. two individuals from Calgary professional broadcast or print media,
iv. one individual to act as chairperson from Calgary professional broadcast or print media. This individual shall only vote in the event of a tie.

The Ombudsboard shall make a decision regarding the grievance that shall be binding on the Society.