E-mail: sales at thegauntlet.ca
Phone: 403-220-7751
Fax: 403-282-3218
Interested in advertising with the Gauntlet? Please refer to the following documents:
- 2014-15 Publication Dates – a listing of publication dates for 2014-2015.
- Ad Specifications – a guide on how to prepare ads for print.
- Online Ad Specifications – a guide on how to prepare ads for the web.
- Gauntlet Print Ad Shapes
- Gauntlet Ad Rates 2014-2015
Please contact Mr. Harbidge for more information.
Our graphics artist can also design your ad. Ask for details!
Target Market: Captive Audience
Whatever your business, no matter where you are located, whether you sell your product or provide a service, the University of Calgary is a target market that should be included in your plans to increase sales.
According to an article in the Calgary Sun, on any given day you may find up to 35,000 people on the U of C campus.
Collectively, the U of C population has a disposable income of $3,760,000 per month.
During the fall, winter and spring sessions there are approximately 26,000 full-time students, 7,000 part-time students, and
5000 faculty and staff. During the summer, there are approximately 13,000
students plus faculty and staff.
Over 53 per cent of the students and a majority of the faculty and staff have at least one credit card. Over 48 per cent of the students said they like to try new things.
Students are developing their buying habits now, and as you know these habits are kept for years, veen throughout adult life. When a student is satisfied with a product they receive, they will
advise other students of their discovery.
In order to tap into this lucrative market and increase sales, you must advise the U of C population of your existence, the product and service you are promoting, your location and how you can be contacted.
The best and most logical way to get your message to the students, faculty and staff at the U of C is to advertise in the most exciting, sometimes controversial publication produced on campus — the Gauntlet.
The Gauntlet is published weekly (Thursdays) throughout the summer, fall, winter and spring. Circulation is a minimum of 6,000 copies per week from the first issue in September to the last issue of April. Summer circulation is a minimum of 3,000 copies per week.
There are over 70 distribution points.
The Gauntlet is the most logical medium in which to have your message presented to the U of C marketplace.
The Gauntlet® general mailing address:
Room 319, MacEwan Students’ Centre
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary AB T2N-1N4