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Track women dethrone Huskies

By Вen Li

Outstanding.That’s the only word that can describe the Dinos women’s first place victory at the Canada West track and field meet Feb. 22."Our men were slated to be fourth and garnered third," said assistant coach Doug Lamont. "The women went in favoured to win. They did a good job and won."The women’s victory was sweetened… Continue reading Track women dethrone Huskies

Track and Field

By Sean Nyilassy

If this was the U.S., these guys would be sporting as much apparel as Nike could throw at them, they’d have to beat media personalities away with a baton and some would even be in negotiations with the Wheaties people.Well, maybe not. But the Dinos track and field team is welcome breath of fresh air… Continue reading Track and Field

Rockin’ the night away

By Jane Alkhouri

Like a Picasso version of the energizer bunny, purple-clad fraternity members jumped on a scooter and kept on going. The University of Calgary Phi Gamma Delta fraternity’s annual 24 hour Race Around the Rock took place on Thu., Sept. 21, raising just over $1,000 for Crohn’s disease and colitis research. The U of C Phi… Continue reading Rockin’ the night away

Lovin’ it

By Ryan Laverty

Talent: B- The Dinos men’s team was in way-over-its-head this year. There were a few bright spots over the course of the year, with Darren Clarke and the men’s relay team winning a little hardware at the National Championships. The women’s side was definitely the stronger of the two teams. With standout performers like Amy… Continue reading Lovin’ it

Track and field fiends head to Nationals

By Ryan Laverty

The Dinos Track and Field team left for Sherbrooke, Quebec on Wednesday, hell bent on making their presence felt at this weekend’s Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union Championships. Eleven women and 10 men will represent our institution in la belle province. The women are coming off an impressive second-place finish behind the University of Saskatchewan at… Continue reading Track and field fiends head to Nationals

Running towards glory?

By Ryan Laverty

The Dinos track & field team took off to the tropical climate of Regina, Saskatchewan last weekend for some ass-kicking and some fun. The Canada West Conference Championships ran Friday and Saturday at the Regina Fieldhouse, and there were some outstanding performances from Calgary athletes. Samantha Anderson continued to improve on her already impressive season… Continue reading Running towards glory?

How it all came down: a year in review

By Kevin Rothbauer

The University of Calgary was among the most successful schools in the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union this year. Collecting one gold medal, three silvers and a bronze, the Dinos put together the third-highest total, behind only the University of Alberta (four gold, two silver, three bronze) and the University of Victoria (2-2-2). As well, 22… Continue reading How it all came down: a year in review

Bright future for track and field

By Darren Friesen

The future of track and field at this university looks very bright. Instead of dwelling negatively on the team results after the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union championships in Montreal last weekend, coach Les Gramantik and his determined followers can now look to the future with a positive outlook. McGill University was the site for some… Continue reading Bright future for track and field