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Magic 8-ball predicts NHL future… read on, if you dare

By Daorcey Le Bray

Hockey fans looked out their windows last Thursday morning to see the glorious white that marked the last day of the Canadian summer. The crispness in the air signalled the official coming of our unofficial national sport. Hockey’s back! There is a certain excitement that precedes this game. Its speed captures us and its drama… Continue reading Magic 8-ball predicts NHL future… read on, if you dare

They ain’t pretty and they don’t look that way

By Chris Simmons

Back from the deep-end and swimming in local watering holes, the Northern Pikes are getting ready to start a tour in support of their new release, Hits and Assorted Secrets. Their first in six years, the album is made up primarily of greatest hits with three unreleased tracks. "We had tonnes of material that never… Continue reading They ain’t pretty and they don’t look that way