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The purloined letter

By Corky Thatcher

Dear Elouise,Greetings from the prairies! I know it has only been a couple of weeks since you left, but I really wanted to write. How are you? How’s life back in Toronto? I’m so glad you had a good time visiting here over Christmas. I’m happy to have a nice friend like you. There was… Continue reading The purloined letter

Five love stories for Valentine’s Day

By Corky Thatcher

1. Love Your GoalsShannon tensed again as she threw up into the sink. Someone was going to come in here and think she was bulimic, she thought. But Shannon had nothing in common with those underweight, power-dressing, popular scenester types that had slipped ahead of her and…More throwing up. The competition had ended two weeks… Continue reading Five love stories for Valentine’s Day

Columnist clubbed to death

By Corky Thatcher

Carleton University in Ottawa welcomes their frosh students to campus life with a week-long party which includes wearing funny, spray-painted t-shirts, ridiculous games, and lots of drinking. Yes, drinking-focused events-the lowest common denominator kind that despite apprehensions, make you begin to feel connected and accepted into an intimidating new group. Hey, it’s no U of… Continue reading Columnist clubbed to death

It’s not my fault

By Corky Thatcher

You first. No, I insist. After you. Go ahead. I’ll go next.Carry on. Lead the way. I’m right behind you. Me and everyone else.One of the most popular gifts one can give after the holiday season is blame. Blame for why you’re not carrying out (or in some cases even bothering to put together) a… Continue reading It’s not my fault

Only the milk is bad

By Corky Thatcher

Harry Stamper and A.J. Frost are my heroes, ’cause boy do Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck make these Armageddon characters likeable. Stamper and Frost are cool because they overcome the odds and successfully fly into space to divert that big-ass doomsday asteroid and save the planet. The story is a great example of the human… Continue reading Only the milk is bad

Get that Hottie

By Corky Thatcher

Lady friends, please put down those YM, Seventeen and Cosmo mags andallow me to give you some valuable boy-snagging advice for the coming months.Bisexuality in females is the cool new fashion trend!It has come to my attention that today’s young women are desperatelyand unhappily short of snares, tricks and other wiles for catching the masculineobjects… Continue reading Get that Hottie