We found 20 results for your search.

Feds renegotiate student loan agreement

By Jamie Hellewell

Will Ottawa shovel another $100 million of taxpayers’ money into the three student loan-granting banks? On Jan. 25, the Globe and Mail reported the Federal Liberals would be paying $100 million to compensate the banks for losses incurred over the past five years from student loan defaults. According to a government press release, the story… Continue reading Feds renegotiate student loan agreement

Church Ladies

By Jamie Hellewell

The role of women within the Christian church is a recent matter of serious controversy. But if Dr. Karen Torjesen is right, this controversy is nothing new–in fact, it’s as old as the church itself. On Mon., Oct. 25, Torjesen gave a lecture entitled "When women were priests: history at the intersection of gender and… Continue reading Church Ladies

COVER: Has Klein missed the boat?

By Jamie Hellewell

As Alberta students return to class this week they will face the third highest tuition fees in the country, according to Statistics Canada. Meanwhile, the Alberta government is predicting an enormous and growing $1.9 billion surplus. This has student leaders and opposition MLAs across the province calling for tuition relief. They point out that provincial… Continue reading COVER: Has Klein missed the boat?

VP External

By Jamie Hellewell

Four candidates are vying for the position of Vice-president External in next year’s Students’ Union: incumbent Nassr Awada, Christa Big Canoe, Melanie McNaughton, and Paul Novosad.The VP External has the responsibility to represent students at the civic, provincial, and federal levels. Issues dealt with include university funding, financial aid, and student employment issues. Awada, McNaughton,… Continue reading VP External

VP Academic

By Jamie Hellewell

There are three candidates in the race to represent you as Vice-president Academic of the Students’ Union: Drew Brown, Heather Clitheroe, and Kerry Parker.The official job description of the VP Academic includes advocating student rights on academic issues, coordinating and chairing the Student’s Academic Assembly, and developing policies and services to aid students. However, each… Continue reading VP Academic

Ranked again

By Jamie Hellewell

You are attending one of the worst universities in the country. At least that’s what the Maclean’s annual University Ranking issue released Nov. 16 suggests.The University of Calgary placed 12th out of 15 in the overall rankings for medical/doctoral schools-a small step up from last year’s 13th place finish.Admitedly, the report wasn’t all bad news… Continue reading Ranked again

SU donates justice

By Jamie Hellewell

Money may not buy love, but some student leaders think it may buy justice.The legal effort of students involved in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Complaints Commission investigating alleged misconduct and violations of Charter rights at last year’s Asian-Pacific Economic Conference protests in Vancouver is in danger of being bankrupted. The cost of hiring lawyers… Continue reading SU donates justice


By Jamie Hellewell

Like neighbouring head-of-state Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Jean Chretien may soon be issued a subpoena to testify before the law. The difference is Canadian critics accuse him not of sexual indiscretion, but of violating Canadians’ most basic rights to freedom of speech, expression and association. A violation, if proven true, that could cost him his… Continue reading Peppergate