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CJSW worth the investment

By Kate Jacobson

Our campus radio station CJSW 90.9 is pursuing a referendum asking to increase their student levy from $5.00 to $6.00. Before everyone panics, let’s reconsider how much an additional dollar per semester is actually going to affect us. The “no” campaign for the CJSW referendum, started in opposition to the proposed levy, has frequently brought… Continue reading CJSW worth the investment

Break dancing in MacHall broken up

By Kate Jacobson

Campus Security recently brought concerns to the Students’ Union over the breakdancers in the MacHall south courtyard. The SU has a general liability policy that covers club activities. It provides both insurance against bodily harm and liability for property damage. Since the breakdancing is not officially approved by the SU, Campus Security is concerned that… Continue reading Break dancing in MacHall broken up

Leaving the torch in the wrong hands

By Kate Jacobson

Over the break, the five coloured rings marking the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics started appearing on TV. The games draw nearer alongside the controversy created by the Russian government’s remarks towards the LGBT community. With the opening ceremonies drawing closer, the opportunity for a boycott has slipped away much to the disappointment of many social… Continue reading Leaving the torch in the wrong hands

Deranged politicians, get your act together

By Kate Jacobson

Many people find perverse enjoyment in the ridiculousness and melodrama of reality television. These shows represent a welcome break from the daily grind of everyday life — their bizarre nature makes them so enjoyable. But sensational personalities, events and appearances should not represent the public’s focal point in the political sphere. Back up the bus,… Continue reading Deranged politicians, get your act together

Racial Halloween costumes a nasty trick

By Kate Jacobson

Every year, without fail, someone will decide that another person’s culture makes for an excellent Halloween costume. This year was no exception. The experience of ethnicity and culture cannot be painted on or purchased in a costume store. Belonging to such a group is an experience. Picking up a few shiny plastic trinkets, which often… Continue reading Racial Halloween costumes a nasty trick

Executive pay at U of C excessive

By Kate Jacobson

I t appears that University of Calgary President Elizabeth Cannon considers herself entitled to a salary higher than nearly any of her counterparts, even when the reputation and renown of the University of Calgary indicates that she does not deserve it. Cannon earns more in base salary than the presidents of McGill University, the University… Continue reading Executive pay at U of C excessive

Conservative prorogation yet another bad joke

By Kate Jacobson

Stephen Harper has prorogued Parliament for the fourth time in his tenure as Prime Minister of Canada, and it’s hard to see his actions as little more than a way to stall for time against his Liberal and NDP opposition. After eight years of a Conservative minority government, this latest prorogation is another a midterm… Continue reading Conservative prorogation yet another bad joke

Israel’s cautious silence before the storm

By Kate Jacobson

As the situation in Syria heats up, Israel has so far refrained from making statements on any plans for military action despite its antagonistic history with Syria. Israel’s silence seems strange. Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister, is known for his aggressive policies. He has never been hesitant to hide his contempt for Israel’s neighbours,… Continue reading Israel’s cautious silence before the storm