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By Tyler Wolfe
Though his campaign is lagging behind that of front-runner Barack Obama, John McCain did manage to score a small victory last week, winning the endorsement of the much sought after terrorist demographic. The Washington Post reported last Wednesday that a commentary on the al-Qaeda linked al-Hesbah website claimed, “al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in… Continue reading Strange endorsement
By Tyler Wolfe
Soon enough the federal election will be over and we will be able to switch from arguing about politics to arguing why nobody gives a shit about politics. Three of the last four Canadian federal elections have set the record for lowest voter turnout and while the 2006 election reversed the historic trend, still less… Continue reading Voting blind
By Tyler Wolfe
With only a few months left until the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States, George W. Bush undoubtedly has legacy on his mind. All political leaders exiting public life leave a legacy– a synopsis of the successes or failures of their time in office. The current American president can look to his… Continue reading W’s terrible legacy
By Tyler Wolfe
When one encounters a potentially dangerous wild animal, it goes without saying the animal should be given due respect– you should not poke it with a stick or enrage it in any other fashion. With the recent re-emergence from hibernation of the Russian Bear, this is advice that much of the West, and the United… Continue reading Sleeping bears aren’t meant to be poked
By Tyler Wolfe
The consortium of television networks, which initially announced that it would bar the Green Party’s Elizabeth May from partaking in the televised debates prior to the October federal election only to “flip-flop” and cave to mounting public outcry, should be ashamed of itself. The move will undermine the familiarity of the current political landscape in… Continue reading A floppy sickness
By Tyler Wolfe
When thinking of a road trip, one usually envisions a concert, party, or vacation and perhaps even a little debauchery. There are those, however, who prefer to spend their adventure in Wal-Mart parking lots. Wal-Town is a film that follows a group of Concordia University student activists as they travel across Canada in an effort… Continue reading Wal to Wal: a road trip
By Tyler Wolfe
The Conservative government may be starting Canada on the path back to the archaic practice that is capital punishment. Two recent decisions by the Harper government certainly seem to be steps–baby steps perhaps, but steps nonetheless–toward that end. It was announced that Canada’s “New Government” would no longer seek to have the death sentence commuted… Continue reading Don’t mess with the death penalty
By Tyler Wolfe
A University of Calgary professor is fighting on behalf of a group of Canadian cattlemen who were adversely affected by the closure of the American border to Canadian beef following a case of BSE on an Alberta ranch May 2003. U of C faculty of law professor Todd Grierson-Weiler, is a leading expert on the… Continue reading Mad cattlemen seek compensation for BSE
By Jeff Townsend
It was a night of razzle dazzle, slam dunks and three point bombs as the Calgary High School Athletic Association put on its annual boys and girls basketball selects games Wed., Feb. 21. The girls and boys double header consisted of one grade 12 player from each school in Calgary divided into North and South… Continue reading Online Exclusive: High-school selects are dunktacular!