We found 80 results for your search.

Nick and Norah mixes a love story with sketched indie title font

By Jordyn Marcellus

To make a good romantic comedy, you need to get the hell out of Hollywood. There’s nothing there but Botox, Spencer Pratt and loneliness, which is why it’s nice for a movie to go back to the most mythologized city in film and the place where almost all of Woody Allen’s classic tales of love… Continue reading Nick and Norah mixes a love story with sketched indie title font

Fall flicks hit the silver screen

By Hoang-Mai Hong

The early fall season is sort of a thankless time for movies, being wedged in between summer blockbuster season and the award-worthy movie season in December. Like January, early fall is the time when a lot of studio afterthoughts are put out, and a time where low-quality fare might actually get some notice and make… Continue reading Fall flicks hit the silver screen

Weighing in on the Calgary International Film Festival

By Film Fest Team 5000

CIFF is still in full swing and the Gauntlet is here to give you the down-low on the what the festival has to offer with more reviews! The Seven Deadly Sins A vast array of characters introduces us to the perilous indiscretions such as envy, with the exploits of a director whose career fails before… Continue reading Weighing in on the Calgary International Film Festival

Calgary Jazz Festival spans the ages with musical variety

By Courtenay Adams

Audiences experiencing the 2008 Calgary Jazz Festival during June 24-27 gained great insight into the ways in which musicianship evolves. This year’s lineup featured artists of a variety of ages and experiences, from relative youngster Meaghan Smith–whose first full-length album is slotted to drop this year–to veteran Dave Brubeck–who has been in the business the… Continue reading Calgary Jazz Festival spans the ages with musical variety

Virgin Fest pops Calgary’s cherry

By Amanda Hu

It seems Virgin Group mogul Richard Branson knows how to throw a party. Fans at the Fort Calgary venue got a taste of Richard’s–as all the Virgin staff familiarly referred to him–hospitality at the inaugural Calgary Virgin Music Festival on June 21 and 22. The festival boasted a lineup of bands–apparently chosen by Calgarians themselves… Continue reading Virgin Fest pops Calgary’s cherry

Co-founder tells tales of wild theatre

By Amanda Hu

Blake Brooker has seen many things over his long theatre career: singing Nazis, Scottish skinheads high on acid and a giant yellow rabbit. Inspired by the need to encourage experimental drama in Alberta, Brooker, his compatriot Michael Green and some other close friends founded the One Yellow Rabbit ensemble in 1982. Named after a childhood… Continue reading Co-founder tells tales of wild theatre

Counting beans

By Cam Cotton-O’Brien

And so it begins…The first cup of coffee I ever had was late in my elementary school years in a grocery store near my house. I was with a friend and his mom buying supplies for a trip to his cabin when we strapping young lads decided that it would be a good idea to… Continue reading Counting beans

The Juno invasion

By Ryan Pike

In Roman mythology, Juno was best known as the patron goddess of Rome and protector of the state. In popular culture, Juno is an indie film. However, Canadians typically associate Juno with the Juno Awards, held annually to honour the best of our nation’s music. The Juno Awards were first held in Toronto in 1970–then… Continue reading The Juno invasion

The Gauntlet’s 2008 Academy Awards Preview

By Ryan Pike

The Academy Awards have become solidified over time as Hollywood’s tribute to itself. Thankfully, it’s also provided gambling junkies with an opportunity to bet on things that are completely separate from professional sports. The Gauntlet’s dynamic duo of cinematic geekery, Entertainment Editor Ryan Pike and E&P Editor Jordyn Marcellus, attempt to accurately predict who will… Continue reading The Gauntlet’s 2008 Academy Awards Preview

Teen pregnancy is a laughing matter

By Jordyn Marcellus

The modern comedy movie is based on finding the cheap outrageous gag and then running it right into the ground. This trend started with the infamous Farrelly Brothers movie There’s Something About Mary when Ben Stiller discovered the use of semen as hair gel. It further escalated with the infamous pastry-loving scene in American Pie… Continue reading Teen pregnancy is a laughing matter