By Bo Rhodes
“I’ve never had so much fun”
-Frenzal Rhomb
Just your regular night out. Head down to the Night Gallery, check out who’s playing, have a couple of cold ones–just your regular night out right? Wrong.
Sure, the first part of the story goes something like that, but during the second chapter, the plot takes an unusual twist.
The extreme activities of DV8 were finished for the day and downtown Calgary was alive with its follow-up action. Calgary’s own Chixdiggit was the night’s show at the Gallery. They were joined by Flashlight, a ska/punk quartet from Toronto and, all the way from down under, Aussie punk sensations Frenzal Rhomb. Turns out that Chixdiggit did a little tour down in Australia with Frenzal and lo and behold, they’re touring together again in the Great White North.
Flashlight started the evening in front of a generally casual crowd who were truly there to see Chixdiggit. Pleading the audience to pay attention for at least two songs and spewing something totally obscure about "Jane and Finch, Toronto" the band got under way. The fairly large gathering started to warm to Flashlight and by the end of their set, dancing and smiles greeted the visiting band. The night was definitely shaping up.
Next came Frenzal Rhomb. The punk that dwells in all of us rejoiced when the boys from 20,000 km away hit the stage. A frenzied mosh pit formed and mayhem reined supreme. A beautiful relationship was formed, especially when Canada’s shame, Celine Dion, was cut down to size. Good times are not eternal however and fate was especially cruel that night. Jay, the dread-headed lead singer, decided to go for a relaxing crowd surf. All of sudden, Jay went hurtling downward and ended up with his arm wedged between a small gap in the stage boards. Imagine that your elbow can bend in the opposite direction. Now realize that the human arm is not designed to bend both ways. Get the drift? The band stopped playing and everyone just sort of stood there. With an amazingly calm voice, Jay got on the mike and uttered these immortal words, "I don’t think my arm’s supposed to bend that way. Could somebody please call an ambulance?" Definitely not your average night out.
The home-town boys Chixdiggit, followed and, like always, they brought the house down. First, lead singer KJ informed everyone that Jay was in Foothills hospital and that he was gonna be all right. Then Chixdiggit went to work and proceeded to do what they do best.
Rock ‘n’ roll baby, rock ‘n’ fuckin’ roll. The crowd was treated to all the classics like "Gerry Cheevers," "Shadowy Bangers from a Shadowy Duplex" and special guest drummer, Gordie from Frenzal Rhomb, who sat in on "Quit your Job." Definitely the icing on the cake.
So, that’s how the story ends. An up and coming band from Toronto, a broken but not beat, kick-ass punk band from Australia and hometown musical heroes. Truly an epic that was worth every moment.
Side Note: Frenzal Rhomb ended up cancelling the rest of their tourdates and returned home to Sydney, Australia. For further info check out Chixdiggit’s website.
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