Bureaucrats feed on resource dollars

By Colleen Underwood

The amount of government involvement appropriate in public policy was hotly debated at the Fraser Institute’s Student Seminar held Jan. 27 in Edmonton. Topics included privatization of water services, private property rights, Banff national park and natural resource wealth distribution. Guest lecturer Paul Stanway, Editor-in-Chief of the Edmonton Sun, discussed media’s role in reporting economic… Continue reading Bureaucrats feed on resource dollars

Dig ancient Calgary

By Dean Hetherington

According to the new Fish Creek Interpretive Centre, big things were already happening in Calgary 8,000 years ago. Representatives from the Alberta government and the University of Calgary’s Archaeology program welcomed a new interpretive centre on Jan. 19. which will focus on recent historical discoveries. "Our studies and the displays range from 8,000 years ago… Continue reading Dig ancient Calgary

GSA negotiations begin

By James Keller

Weeks after striking York University graduate students and teaching assistants returned to work, the University of Calgary Graduate Students’ Association is beginning contract negotiations of their own. "There are two parts to the negotiations," explained GSA President Viola Cassis, referring to the Graduate Students’ Appointment Schedule which controls eligibility requirements. The negotiations are divided into… Continue reading GSA negotiations begin

Money means more Nurses

By Rafael Ford

A new grant will feed the need for new Alberta health professionals. On Jan. 18, the government of Alberta announced $38 million in grants, almost entirely directed at expanding Alberta health education. "These program expansions are in keeping with our commitment to enable at least 1,200 more full time equivalent students to enter high priority… Continue reading Money means more Nurses

Tackling body image issues

By Aida Sadr

Go ahead, celebrate your natural size. That’s the message the U of C Eating Awareness Team will promote during National Eating Disorder Week, which runs Feb. 4-10. The team, comprised of various representatives from groups concerned with student health and body image, formed to address what they see as a major issue on campus.“We see… Continue reading Tackling body image issues

Athletic council still debated

By Daorcey Le Bray

The University of Calgary Students’ Union and the Dinos Athletic Advisory Council are suffering from an on-again, off-again relationship. For almost a year, the SU has refused to recognize or support the DAAC. SU Vice-president Events Alix d’Archangelo was a member of DAAC when the SU elected to no longer recognize the athletic council, citing… Continue reading Athletic council still debated

Construction dots campus

By Natalie Sit

The University of Calgary seems to be stuck in its favourite season–construction season. U of C Students’ Union Vice-president Operations and Finance Matt Lauzon thinks MacEwan Hall expansion is progressing well, despite minor construction delays. However, he has doubts about the completion date, which he tentatively sets sometime in fall. "I personally don’t think that… Continue reading Construction dots campus

Brown angers SU reps

By Natalie Sit

This year’s tuition consultation process resulted not only in a tuition increase but also in disagreement between student representatives. University of Calgary Board of Governors student-at-large representative Drew Brown last week asked for the resignation of Students’ Union Vice-president External Duncan Wojtaszek and SU Academic Commissioner Nic Porco because of their comments regarding the 3.7… Continue reading Brown angers SU reps