Research Chair ethics questioned

By Nathan Dyck

A new Chair created at the University of Calgary with funds from NOVA Chemical Corporation raises questions regarding the use of corporate money on campus, and the work of graduate students to benefit corporate interests. "NOVA chemicals and the rest of the industry will benefit from this research," said Kathryn Ward, Public affairs Manager for… Continue reading Research Chair ethics questioned

Town Hall a “token gesture”

By Neal Ozano

Most student representatives agree that Wednesday’s town hall meeting in the MacEwan Hall Ballroom was more a token gesture than anything else. The meeting, intended to give students an opportunity to voice their concerns about tuition to administration, strayed from the mark–covering everything from faculty retention to wheelchair accessibility. After 30 minutes of administration reports,… Continue reading Town Hall a “token gesture”

Greene’s state of being

By Claire Cummings

Painter and printmaker Catherine Greene pursues the art of being. Her work, showing in the Mezzanine Gallery at the University Theatre beginning Feb. 4, is a collection of still-life prints and paintings of everyday objects. Fruits like plums and pears and household items like plates and mugs make up her simple compositions. Greene says her… Continue reading Greene’s state of being

Arresting Text on campus

By Nicole Kobie

University of Calgary students are about to get arrested. No, the War Measures Act isn’t about to be invoked. It’s just the English Department’s series Arresting Text, a week of readings, panels and discussions running Feb. 2-8, mostly in the Rozsa Centre, as a part of Black History Month. "Normally in the English Department we… Continue reading Arresting Text on campus