Big ball of fun

By Вen Li

A big ball of elastic bands could help this year’s International Week theme: bringing people together with The Ties That Bind. "The Ties That Bind is a way of bringing different ideas, attitudes, and philosophies together from different countries, organizations and mindsets," said Maryan Nabavi, International Centre Program Assistant for International Development and Research. "I… Continue reading Big ball of fun

Beefing up education

By Christie Tucker

Most people think of Alberta as the beef capital of Canada, but a recent cash contribution by Alberta Learning eastward is showing Albertans where the beef really is. The provincial government is making one-time contribution of $1.5 million to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. The money will make up… Continue reading Beefing up education

Meningitis threat averted

By Natalie Sit

In light of recent meningitis cases, health officials are beginning a city-wide vaccination program. Beginning Feb. 9, all Calgarians between the ages of 16-20 will be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis. University of Calgary students will receive their vaccination Thursday, Feb. 15 and Friday, Feb. 16 between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Students will need to… Continue reading Meningitis threat averted

Student Legal Assistance on the ballet

By Kristin Nikonetz

The Students’ Union has passed a motion which will place a referendum question on the next student’s union election ballot. The question will ask whether students are willing to pay a 75 cent increase for fall and winter semesters and a 50 cent charge for spring and summer semesters to Student Legal Assistance. On Tuesday… Continue reading Student Legal Assistance on the ballet

Bad Kitty Stillborn

By Rafael Ford

Bad Kitty will never see the light of day thanks to a loophole in the "Name the Stör" contest rules. The University of Calgary Student Union ruled in favour of retaining the name Stör instead of Bad Kitty’s Snack Emporium–the name the "Name the Stör" contest winning entry. "The contest was to name the store… Continue reading Bad Kitty Stillborn

Tuition up $141 next year

By Neal Ozano

After four student attempts to amend the tuition increase amount, the University of Calgary’s Board of Governors voted for a 3.7 per cent increase against the wishes of student BoG representatives. As a result, students will pay an additional $141 per year for 10 courses. Graduate students will pay $159 more per term. There was… Continue reading Tuition up $141 next year

DeVry can grant degrees

By Ruth Davenport

Private, for-proÞt universities may soon be a reality in Alberta. On Jan. 31, Alberta Minister of Learning Dr. Lyle Oberg awarded degree-granting status to three programs offered by DeVry Institute of Technology. "If you look at it in isolation, it may not mean a lot, I mean it’s just three degrees that are out there,"… Continue reading DeVry can grant degrees

Mary’s Wedding no war of the roses

By James Keller

Weddings and wars may not seem like the right atmosphere for healing, but for former University of Calgary student Stephen Massi-cotte, writing about them helps him gain understanding and closure. "It helps you to understand your own relationships… and it helps you understand that other person," says Massicotte, whose play Mary’s Wedding runs Feb. 18… Continue reading Mary’s Wedding no war of the roses

I Need You

By James Keller

Poor LeAnn Rimes. Stuck in a world of Britneys, she longs to find a place to fit in. To top it off, her record company bullies her around, and she sues her father. Just when things couldn’t get any worse, her record company throws I Need You, a sad collection of rehashed and unreleased material… Continue reading I Need You

Tanto Tempo

By David Kenney

Bebel Gilberto’s sultry smooth vocals are like a cigarette after sex. They sneak inside your system, tickle your nerves and leave a residue at every pore. Unlike a cig, Gil-berto is sooo good for you. Her debut record Tanto Tempo is a ßoating musical experience with the Portuguese Sade. Weaving airy bossonova beats with her… Continue reading Tanto Tempo