Opposing Israeli policies not anti-semitic

By Mike Bowerman

Canada’s threats to depart from the United Nation’s World Conference Against Racism on the grounds that Israel is being unfairly singled out for punishment shows a disappointing, though not surprising, lack of vision on behalf of the Canadian government. Their premise for withdrawing has a grain of reason–the conference should be about more than the… Continue reading Opposing Israeli policies not anti-semitic

Commies and Cola: A perfect fit

By Kris Kotarski

One thing is clear–the Olympics are heading to Beijing in 2008.There will be fun and games for visiting athletes, beach volleyball in Tianamen Square and armies of state-sponsored hookers to entertain the International Olympic Committee.That’s the pessimist’s view.China will be encouraged by the Olympic spirit to change her long standing tradition of oppression. The people… Continue reading Commies and Cola: A perfect fit

Print media preserves the past

By Mary Chan

Hardcore Gauntlet editors and volunteers can often be found going through the bound editions of our old issues, carefully turning over faded, yellowed pages of newsprint. It is a fascinating exercise because the bound editions date back to 1961/62, the Gauntlet’s second year of existence. As the closest thing we have to Gauntlet artifacts, they… Continue reading Print media preserves the past

Toe to toe over organized labour

By Вen Li

Point: Вen Li     What would you do if a highly-vocal and disruptive group of people bent on spreading hatred and disdain towards another group arrived in your city? Edmontonians welcomed them with open arms in August as the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees bussed in members from all around Alberta to demonstrate in front of the… Continue reading Toe to toe over organized labour

Ottawa has no place in women’s wombs

By Ruth Davenport

I’m so outraged, I’m almost speechless.Almost.It nearly slipped by me that a part of the legislation proposed by the federal Liberals to govern reproductive technology suggests prohibiting surrogate mothers from receiving cash for their services.In a legislation that otherwise hits the mark on curtailing ethically questionable practices such as human cloning, the sale and purchase… Continue reading Ottawa has no place in women’s wombs

Foreign policy must be colour blind

By Chris Morrison

With the United Nations World Conference Against Racism just ended–if you missed it, don’t worry, nothing important happened–I thought now was as good a time as any to discuss racism in the world, specifically how it seeps into foreign policy. Today’s racism is not like it was years ago. Oh sure, there are cross burnings,… Continue reading Foreign policy must be colour blind

Afghan article angers readers

By Lindsay Driediger

Editor, the Gauntlet, The concerns of the writer seem sincere, but somewhat ill-founded. The writer states: "While altruistic pursuits are noble and selfless, they don’t seem to be present within the Afghan ranks of SNI." Supposedly, workers are exploiting refugees by forcing their religion upon them. Yet, beneath the quoted mission statement, we read that:… Continue reading Afghan article angers readers

Only you can prevent computer virus infections

By Вen Li

University is generally thought of as a place of higher learning, enlightenment, and sharing. Unfortunately, that sharing can include computer viruses that come along for the ride when students share files and disks and the latest annoying Flash e-mail forward. Even though antivirus software is installed on most computers on campus, viruses have briefly gone… Continue reading Only you can prevent computer virus infections