VP Op-Fi

By Joan Creaser

And the legacy of Whites continues. Compared to frog-voiced big bro Toby and verbally handicapped Terry, Rob White is articulate, direct and possessed of two fully functioning eyebrows. Like a little Mordred, White spent the last two years learning, biding his time in the shadows until now. Behold-the safest walking White ever to hold office.


White has two years as a commissioner in the portfolio, Safewalk and NUTV volunteer experience and he’s a past employee of Hire-a-Student. Can’t complain. White has a solid grasp of both the logistics and theoreticals of the portfolio and is comfortable with all the issues.


White’s platform is surprisingly riddled with realistic, acheivable goals. Lots of club-friendly initatives, including a reform of club office allocation and lobbying the university to consider including club space in new buildings. In addition, he has a firm commitment to not overlook the beleagured NUTV and CJSW in their fight to fund new space and a nod to the crowding in MacEwan Student Centre. Environmental initiatives, Den pricing and Residence concerns also factor prominently.


White is another acclamation we won’t complain too much about. Drop the “bie” off his first name and you’ve got a solid VP Op-Fi. White is disconcertingly soft-spoken and succinct in comparison to the rest of the SU ilk but doesn’t shy away from tough questions and has a clear understanding of the trouble spots of the job. He also has a clear idea of how to address said trouble spots; all things considered we’re glad it was him that was acclaimed. Your money should be safe for another year.

Magic Eight Ball says:

Better not count on it.


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