
By Kevin Rosmanitz

They say that if you write your name in the head of a pint of Guinness, if it’s poured right, you’ll still be able to read it at the bottom of the glass when finished. Well, I just tried it nine times and I’m here to report that that story is bullshit.

However, this fable shouldn’t come as a surprise as there is more legend surrounding what the Irish–God bless ’em for inventing the stuff–call Guinness, then perhaps for any other beverage.

For those that have never enjoyed a glass of ‘The Brown’, expect a very smooth, slightly coppery or nutty taste. It won’t be like any other beer, stout or otherwise, that you’ve sampled.

If the first one doesn’t have you hooked because you’ve grown up on lager, keep in mind that a bird never flies on one wing, and when two-thirds finished, order another right away.

It will take the bartender a little longer to pour your pint than for a lesser beer as, halfway through the pour, he will stop to let the thick stuff settle a bit before continuing. This wait should be of no concern as most anything in the world that is decent is well worth the extra time–just ask your girlfriend.

Best place to enjoy Guinness? Pick any Irish pub and you’re in good hands. The Ship and our own Den serve it as well, although the Den won’t put a Soccer game on for you like the Ship will.


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