No smoking

By Eric Fung

This week, the University of Calgary revised its Smoking Reduction Policy, which is intended to provide a safe environment for all students and staff.

"Under the direction of the Office of the Vice-President,Finance and Services, campus-wide implementation of this program willbegin to take place throughout the summer months, in full swing by thefall semester," said an announcement from the VP Finance and Services office late Wednesday.

The new regulations by the University Health, Safety and Security Committee–to be implemented throughout the summer and in place by the Fall 2002–will extend beyond the City of Calgary’s smoking bylaw. This follows the Calgary Health Region’s recent tobacco reduction campaign.

"I don’t like it, but the [no smoking within five meters of buildings] rule is not too demanding on smokers," said Students’ Union VP External and smoker Nic Vuckovic. "It’s more symbolic than something that will actually convince me to quit."

Vuckovic stated that the current SU executive was not consulted regarding the new program and does not support the university initiative.

In addition to rule changes, the U of C will offer smoking cessation programs for staff, faculty and students to kick their habit.

"Appropriate signage marking entrances, windows, building air intakes and other no smoking areas will be implemented as soon as possible."

The announcement further states:

"Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas owned/leased by the U of C, except in designated ‘smoking permitted’ areas.

"Smoking is permitted outdoors if a minimum of five metres away from entranceways, open windows, building air intakes and flammable or combustible storage areas.

"All indoor areas where smoking is permitted must not be accessible to persons under the age of 18 years.

"Tobacco products will not be available for sale through vending machines in smoking prohibited areas."


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