Copy Centre safe stolen

By Вen Li

What would you do with $1,400 worth of nickels and dimes locked in a safe?

According to Students’ Union Vice-President Operations and Finance Robbie White, one or more unknown individuals relieved the Copy Centre of such an item as it sat closed on Sat., Jan. 11.

“It wasn’t a hold-up or anything,” said White on Tuesday. “They drilled through the back wall and stole the safe.”

Both White and SU President Matt Stambaugh were confused about how the alleged thief “crawled through pipework” to remove the safe.

“We’re taking this very seriously, but the pure physics of it baffle me,” said Stambaugh. “We really hope to find the safe and hopefully the dimes.”

White had concerns about Campus Security’s response to the incident.

“How Campus Security missed this, I don’t know,” he said. “They can’t catch things unless they’re specifically looking for them.”

According to Stambaugh, a similar incident occurred five to six years ago when the safe was recovered intact from West Campus.

He also stated that police are investigating the case.

Campus Security could not be reached for comment on Wednesday.

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