Differential tuition anyone?

By Вen Li

In a unanimous vote, the Students’ Legislative Council voted on Tue., Jan. 15 to ask students if they support differential tuition.

Prior to approval, members of SLC and the Students’ Academic Assembly had concerns about the plebiscite question’s wording.

“Listing some of the faculties targeted [will elicit] ‘I’m not in that program, I don’t care,’” said Engineering Representative Chris Blaschuk.

A revised version of the question lists the Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Health Science programs in addition to Law, Medicine and MBA programs.

Students’ Union Vice-President External Nick Vuckovic was concerned about potential outcomes of the question.

“If we don’t get a huge result in our favour, it’s really hard to go to the Board of Governors and say ‘students are against differential tuition,’” he said.

SU President Matt Stambaugh agreed.

“This is sort of an Alamo for us,” said Stambaugh. “What if students come back and support differential tuition? We would have to shift gears and shut up.”

Elections will occur Feb., 12-14.

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