Nagra resigns, seeks career in dentistry

By Nicole Kobie

“We’ve misplaced our VP Academic,” proclaimed Students’ Union President Matt Stambaugh at the last Students’ Legislative Council meeting, on Tue., Jan 14.

Rosie Nagra isn’t exactly lost, though, just lost to the SU. On Fri., Jan. 10, Nagra submitted her letter of resignation to Stambaugh, ending her term as VP Academic four months early.

Though early speculation for her resignation included disillusionment with her position and an SU-retreat scandal, Nagra quit for educational reasons.

“I’ve been applying for dental school, and have nine interviews lined up in America,” she explained. “Interviews like that can’t be done over the phone, so I brought it up with Matt [Stambaugh] over Christmas that I wouldn’t be able to keep the job. I chose education over my position.”

Since her resignation, both Stambaugh and the four Academic Commissioners have helped pick up the slack.

On Tuesday, SLC had two possible ways to fill the position. First, it could be taken to by-election. If SLC had voted in favour of this, either a separate by-election could be held within the next few weeks, or it could be paired with the General Election in March. Both would be costly and leave the replacement VP little time in the position. The alternative was to let the Students’ Academic Assembly choose the next VPAcademic at their Jan. 20 meeting and this option was overwhelmingly supported by SLC.

While it is possible for SAA to declare themselves–as in, the entire 19-person body–as the next VP, it is expected that Academic Commissioner Jayna Gilchrist will be appointed.

“I’m going to run for it,” Gilchrist said, adding none of the other three Academic Commissioners are expected to run.

“She’s quite committed,” said Nagra of Gilchrist. “She was acting VP [Academic] for two weeks and was very enthusiastic. I think she’ll do a great job.”

Because the position is being filled so quickly, Nagra’s resignation is not likely to cause much disruption in the commission’s productivity.

“VP’s are just a source, not our minds. Every commissioner can be capable without their VP,” said Gilchrist. “Now, we just don’t have a mentor; we have no one to go to.”

One commissioner questioned whether Nagra’s resignation was a loss or disruption at all.

“Let’s be honest, was Rosie [Nagra] really helping? Do you really believe we lost anything here?” questioned Commissioner Gavin Preston.

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