Eel porn squirms its way into MacHall

By Morgan Haigler

Sex! It’s a steamy topic that gets talked about as frequently as the Facebook craze, but do students understand it as well as they should? To address sex in a fun and creative way, the University of Calgary Students’ Union will run a series of activities in and around the MacEwan Student Centre during Sexual… Continue reading Eel porn squirms its way into MacHall

BSD, CJSW, acronyms get Quality Money

By Morgan Haigler

Students won’t have to rush for seats in MacEwan Student Centre or pay for BSD wristbands next year, now that the Students’ Union allocated over $1.6 million of Quality Money for 16 new projects. The Quality Money proposals were approved by the Students’ Legislative Council on March 3 and the funds will be divided by… Continue reading BSD, CJSW, acronyms get Quality Money

BSD in financial straits

By Cam Cotton-O’Brien

With construction of the Taylor Family Library displacing Bermuda Shorts Day from its usual location, the Students’ Union is hoping to use Quality Money to cover additional costs. This year’s BSD is facing financial problems because of the downturned economy and the construction of the TFL. Historically, BSD is held in the grassy area to… Continue reading BSD in financial straits

SU winners and wieners

By Sarelle Azuelos

There are two reasons for students to be happy that the Students’ Union elections are over: next year’s executives start training and Tim Hortons’ roll up the rim is just around the corner. SU election results were announced at the Den on Feb. 19. “I’m actually really excited to work with the new council,” said… Continue reading SU winners and wieners

Summer jobs subsidized by SU

By Morgan Haigler

Finding career-related summer employment is no easy task for students, especially when they need a job that pays well and is close to home. Thankfully, full-time students will be offered subsidized summer jobs that directly relate to their degree programs and future career aspirations through the University of Calgary’s Students’ Union Student Work Experience Enrichment… Continue reading Summer jobs subsidized by SU

SU tackles costly textbooks, smartly

By Rhiannon Kirkland

Every year university students spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks and it seems like prices are always going up. A new campaign, set to begin in March, is trying to tackle the cost of textbooks. The Be Book Smart campaign, put on by the University of Calgary Students’ Union, is modeled after a similar campaign… Continue reading SU tackles costly textbooks, smartly

Black history condensed to one evening

By Sarelle Azuelos

The lack of planning for events celebrating this year’s Black History Month is causing concern about vice-president events Luke Valentine among a few Students’ Union members. As of yet, there is one major event planned that will cost students $25 at the door. “Usually we try to throw as many events for free for students… Continue reading Black history condensed to one evening

SU election forums invade Mac Hall – Academic

By Jordyn Marcellus

Five hopeful Students’ Union academic commissioners debated their merits Monday on the stage in the MacEwan Student Centre south courtyard. Moderated by current vice-president academic Pam Weatherbee, the five candidates– Dan Pagan, Christian Louden, Sid Dawud, Ola Mohajer and Nikita Schaloske– discussed their platforms in front of the student crowd. Dawud suggested that the university… Continue reading SU election forums invade Mac Hall – Academic

SU election forums invade Mac Hall – Events

By Ryan Pike

Five eager students duked it out over the four events commissioner positions Wednesday in MacEwan Student Centre’s south stage. While moderator and current Students’ Union events commissioner Natasha Men kept the tone light and energetic, discussion focused on topics such as events promotion and getting commuter students involved in campus activities. Incumbent events commissioner Andrea… Continue reading SU election forums invade Mac Hall – Events