SU on-line voting

By James Keller

With last year’s general election riddled with glitches and complaints, the Students’ Union passed a new bylaw that will help them try, try again. That is, if they want to.During a Students’ Legislative Council meeting on Aug. 20, 11 councillors unanamously voted in favor of the On-Line Election Procedure. The bylaw outlines how on-line elections… Continue reading SU on-line voting

Commissioner Preston in trouble?

By Вen Li

Political strife and disagreement claimed the careers of many politicians: Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte and Paul Martin to name a few. Students’ Union Academic Commissioner Gavin Preston may become the latest victim if proceedings to be brought by SU Vice-President Academic Rosie Nagra against him succeed.“For some reason or another, Rosie decided to get rid… Continue reading Commissioner Preston in trouble?

Commissioner remuneration

By Adriana Hunstad

During the Students’ Legislative Council meeting on Tue., July 23, Academic Commissioner Gavin Preston brought forward the issue of commissioner remuneration.Currently, vice-presidents and the president discuss the pay in a confidential process. According to su President Matt Stambaugh, they try to ensure equitable remuneration."I think the system is fair, but there is always room for… Continue reading Commissioner remuneration