If you find yourself reading this article, you must surely be aware of an impending election, where the over 30 elected positions on the Students’ Union are about to be filled. The big question is: who’s going to be the big winner, and who’s going to spend the next few months sitting over a bowl of bitter-disappointment-soup, wondering where they went wrong?
The answer to this question won’t be determined until Friday next week, but you–yes YOU!–have the chance to help determine who’s going to take on the job of representing you to the outside world. That’s right, the winners of this election get to spend 12 glory-filled months telling everyone from the university administration to national media outlets just what’s on the minds of students at the University of Calgary.
So go vote, lest the next time you turn on the news, you find U of C student officials are picketing Parliament because in their representative opinions, students feel strongly about initiating the first nudist university in Canada.
How can you vote?
Polling stations will be set up all over campus to make it nice and easy for you to find them. Or, if you’re feeling lazy or are just scared of the cold, you could go online, either to the SU website at www.su.ucalgary.ca, or even on the infonet at www.ucalgary.ca/infonet.
Don’t know anything about the candidates? Well my gosh, read this issue of the Gauntlet cover to cover and you will know by the time you’re done. Read the platforms, check out the posters, go to the candidate forums 12-2 p.m. at Speakers Corner, or talk to the candidates yourself.
Voting takes place Feb. 10-13!