Ballots – Natalie Sit

By Natalie Sit

President: Bryan West

While he is a tired retread of SU inbreeding, he is the “best” of the six candidates.

VP Academic: Laura Schultz

She’s smart, knowledgeable and has concrete plans. You would do the students a huge disservice by not voting for her.

VP External: Kevin Maloney

Kevin Maloney. He beats out fellow candidate Jim Bailey just by the fact Maloney definitely wants to use CASA and CAUS for all their worth. And he’s got Trogdor on his side.

VP Events: Alex Vyskocil

He deserves every star Roger Ebert gives him. Events on campus will get a real lift if he wins.

VP Op-Fi: Jarrod Fuhr

There are many solid choices in this race but Fuhr has a great combination of internal plans and outward thinking.

Board of Governors: Irene Enyedy

Had it been two new candidates, I would have picked Scott Appleby. But Enyedy has completed her learning curve and she has a tuition committee for BoG to work on. Run again next year Appleby.

Senate: Spoiled ballot

The Senate, while sometimes useless, needs good representation. When the lobbying approach is to make connections in the community, the senate is too perfect of an opportunity to mess up. And none of the candidates posess the political savvy and knowledge to do any good for students.

Travel Levy: Yes

The SU can pay for it and if they refinance their loan, it’ll make even more sense.

Library Levy: Yes

The endowment is finally useful. Let’s use it.

Access Levy: Yes

The financials sketched out by Preston make sense and how the university deals with disabilities needs to be looked at since they are responsible for accessibility.

SLA: Keep at current levels

While few students may use it, the benefit they gain is immeasurable. And let’s get the facts straight before taking the question to students.

U-Pass: No

It’s time for a change.

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