The race for the events commission was on as four out of 11 candidates ran head to head, taking positions on a number of matters. Moderated by current Students’ Union Vice-President Events Richard “Krafty” Bergen, the forum on Thu., Feb. 5, didn’t generate an abundance of viewers.
First to speak was Barski’s Cabinet candidate Gable Gross who emphasized an increase in overall unity and a sense of pride.
"When you have those two, the school comes together," said Gross.
Next up was independent Jen Campbell who spoke about the importance of improving student services, raising school spirit and increasing advertising.
"I want to get back the Lost and Found, because I know that’s been a big issue, and I want to continue to support the Dinos and events that promote school spirit," said Campbell.
Fellow hopeful independent Mike Corbiell held similar views.
"We need to increase school spirit, and we can do this by doing a better job of advertising and planning events," explained Corbiell.
Independent Martina Kranjcevic also made participation a main concern, but took a bit of a different turn.
"There was poor organization during Clubs Week this year and I’d like to work on that," said Kranjcevic. "I also think that programs such as Safewalk are very important and should be advertised and used a lot more," she added.
All four agreed the one issue important to students is tuition, and it is necessary to continue the fight.
"We don’t have a lot to do with it financially, but it is important to keep lobbying," said Campbell.
"You don’t have a right to complain if you’re not going to do anything about it," said Kranjcevic.
Things heated up when an audience member voiced her opinion yelling "that’s garbage" in response to a comment made by Gross. It was regarding his idea that nothing would be effective unless all of Barski’s Cabinet was elected.
It was then up to each individual to answer what they would do if faced with promoting a Bermuda Shorts Day where alcohol was prohibited.
Both Campbell and Kranjcevic emphasized the importance of keeping the event positive and advertising other events, such as live music.
"I would try to give students an alternative, because there are more things than alcohol to BSD," said Kranjcevic.
Gross and Corbiell did not agree.
"Personally I wouldn’t promote it without alcohol," said Gross.
"Alcohol does bring students out to events." said Corbiell. "I would help to organize the riot against it."