Democratic responsibility

By Ben Hoffman

It has been 137 years since the great country of Canada came into being, and the confederation is definitely showing its age. In those early days, people respected the right to vote because their immediate predecessors fought hard to win it from the tyrants who dominated them. Now, students have trouble getting motivated enough to… Continue reading Democratic responsibility

Briefing you on the other stuff

Convocation This year’s Spring convocation promises to be a large one with close to 5,000 students graduating in six ceremonies with six honourary degrees and six staff members being admitted to the Order of the University of Calgary. All ceremonies take place in the Jack Simpson Gymnasium with doors opening one hour prior to the… Continue reading Briefing you on the other stuff

Iron eating bacteria deciphered

By Dale Miller

Contrary to popular belief, genome sequencing doesn’t always involve Jurassic Park dinosaurs or medical breakthroughs. One University of Calgary professor is putting his work where the money is, Alberta’s oil and gas industry. An article outlining the DNA sequence of Desulfovibrio vulgaris–an iron-eating bacteria threatening oil and gas pipelines–has recently been published in Nature Biotechnology… Continue reading Iron eating bacteria deciphered

SU urges us to think education

By Dale Miller

Post-secondary education should be a top election priority, according to the Students’ Union. This month, the SU will join the Canadian Alliance of Student Association’s ThinkEducation campaign to achieve that goal. “It’s time that we had a serious debate in this country on the current state and future of our post-secondary education system,” said James… Continue reading SU urges us to think education

No forums for you!

By Dale Miller

After two weeks of consultation and discussion, a resolution was brought to the June 1 Student Legislative Council meeting to remove the forums outright. But after some heated discussion the resolution was amended to also “commit [the SU] to developing solely or working with other parties to develop an open online communication device with the… Continue reading No forums for you!