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Ballots – Ben Hoffman

By Ben Hoffman

President: Bryan West West has the most relevant experience and is the least likely to make a mess of things. A close second to Andrew Simon, who had many great ideas. VP Academic: Laura Schultz No amount of radical ideas or personality beats a good knowlege of the subect at hand, which is something Schultz… Continue reading Ballots – Ben Hoffman

Movie Review: Time bendingly brilliant

By Ben Hoffman

A haunting sense of paranoia accompanies the conclusion of Primer, the eerie fulfillment of director/writer/lead actor Shane Carruth’s sagacious take on modern life and science. Carruth, with his background in mathematics and corporate engineering, seems to have filled in all the variables. The movie’s fractals dance is a masterpiece that can communicate a sense of… Continue reading Movie Review: Time bendingly brilliant

Spun: Kate Bush

By Ben Hoffman

Released a scant six months after Kate Bush’s previous album, 50 Words For Snow is reminiscent of 2005’s Aerial, with a significant exception: it captures not the airy lightness of summer, but rather the melancholy of the cold winter months. With her teenage son “Bertie” as the only other artist appearing on the album, her… Continue reading Spun: Kate Bush

Shining light on quantum mechanics

By Ben Hoffman

While the phrase “quantum mechanics” alone invokes a panic reaction in nearly anyone who hears it, it’s a surefire thing an entire article about it will be questionably all-encompassing. There’s a stigma attached to the remarkably tiny, remarkably ineffable motes of matter-slash-energy-slash-nonsense–the quanta from which quantum theory derives its name–that their counter-intuitive nature makes them… Continue reading Shining light on quantum mechanics

Editorial: Towards a post-adolescent Canada

By Ben Hoffman

In a lot of ways, nations are like people. They embody many of our best qualities–access to a wealth of resources specific to themselves, the twitchy compulsion to use those resources in new and unfathomable ways and a relentless drive to find meaning in their philosophies or rewrite them when they can’t. They also embody… Continue reading Editorial: Towards a post-adolescent Canada

Being Vegan

By Ben Hoffman

Way back in October, Gauntlet writer Ben Hoffman embarked on a challenge. Laughing in the face of his meat-loving Germanic roots, he went vegan, completely cutting out all animal products from his diet. Now, his experiment complete, Ben checks in with an update from vegan land to make you feel uncomfortable carving up the 20… Continue reading Being Vegan

So you say you want a referendum?

By Ben Hoffman

Those of us around for the 1995 Quebec Referendum–which math serves to tell would be everybody in the university community except that eight-year-old whatever savant in that one class–will remember being glued to the television that night, awestruck by so many things: that one’s nation was cause for dissociation from them! That an issue could… Continue reading So you say you want a referendum?

Google: six attributes away from God

By Ben Hoffman

In July 2004, a relatively infamous billboard ad in California displayed, without any hint of explanation, simply “{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com.” For most, this doubtlessly didn’t mean anything worth thinking about, and correspondingly, thousands probably drove past, glanced sideways at it, and went on to contemplate the lamb chop dinner… Continue reading Google: six attributes away from God

Going Vegan

By Ben Hoffman

University is a time for proving your parents wrong, resounding lifestyle changes, pretension and, if you believe everything you see on popular television, talking philosophy at parties. It’s hard to balance all of those at times, especially with profs doling out readings like theirs is the only class and teaching assistants marking assignments as if… Continue reading Going Vegan

Sidebar: Vegan and vegetarian community

By Ben Hoffman

Websites The Calgary Vegetarian Society Membership costs $15 in this club which organizes events and discounts at some local restaurants. They also have a good listing of farmers’ markets, grocery stores and restaurants serving vegetarian-friendly foods as far away as Banff, carefully specifying which are vegan friendly and which are only for vegetarians. The International… Continue reading Sidebar: Vegan and vegetarian community