Olympic infrastructure

By Kenzie Love

Barring the defeat of our men’s hockey team, the 2006 Olympics were quite a success for Canada. We racked up a record number of medals, and Canadians have reason to be confident we will improve on that total in 2010. But there’s an aspect of the Vancouver games that people have reason to be worried… Continue reading Olympic infrastructure

On page six, there are some shocking images

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

If you turn to page 6, you will see three images: a pile of holocaust victims, a lynched black man and an aborted fetus. Pro-life groups would like you to connect the three, and as the story associated with the images explains, the University of Calgary’s administration has approved the project for public display.While the… Continue reading On page six, there are some shocking images

Tennis in winter?!?

By Gareth Williams

Fourteen members of the cash-strapped Dinos tennis team squeezed into a 15-seat bus and traveled down to Washington over reading break to play a series of doubles and singles matches against four American schools.The little bus they went in had enough space to fit their tennis racquets, but evidently not enough room for the Dinos’… Continue reading Tennis in winter?!?

Baller boys bounced by bullying Bears

By Samantha Attaway

The Dinos men’s basketball team’s season was cut short of March Madness. The do-or-die Canada West central division semi-final best-of-three series Feb. 17-19 killed hopes for a miraculous win as the University of Alberta Golden Bears clutched the Dinos’ purse of dreams and ran off to Saskatchewan. The weekend brought back painful memories from when… Continue reading Baller boys bounced by bullying Bears

Underwater farting pushes UBC past Dinos

By Sean Nyilassy

The Canadian Interuniversity Sport Swimming Championship held at Universite Laval Feb. 24-26 mirrored the Canada West Championship that took place a month earlier. Since no word exists to describe the domination that took place, I’ll make one up: the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds thromplasted the competition. The Dinos were a solid second behind their… Continue reading Underwater farting pushes UBC past Dinos

Volleysaurs get some losses out of their system

By Sean Nyilassy

In the two weeks approaching the Canadian Interuniversity Sport Women’s Volleyball Championship, the Dinos women’s volleyball team have been rudely awakened. Having a secure spot at the national championship as hosts, they slept comfortably all season dreaming of the final few games. With those games now upon us, our ladies must recover from the buckets… Continue reading Volleysaurs get some losses out of their system