Living in a den of cancer

By Michael Lee

Editor, the Gauntlet, I regularly surf a Calgary based car enthusiast forum called Beyond. The forum isn’t limited to the discussion of cars, though, and there are many subsections which encourage the discussion of a much wider range of topics. One section is labeled Campus Chat, and I came across a disturbing thread.I am disturbed… Continue reading Living in a den of cancer

The grand funding shell game

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

Last February, administration awarded the Students’ Union with $2 million of quality money to improve the student experience on campus. At the Students’ Legislative Council meeting on Tue., Mar. 21–in a classic case of tied-aid­-the SU voted to give $100,000 of that quality money right back to administration. The $100,000 will get the SU’s name… Continue reading The grand funding shell game

Spun: Anti-Flag

By Logan Niehaus

Fuck authority! Fuck government! Fuck your roots! Oh wait, what was that last one? After a few years of touring and relaxation, rebel punk rockers Anti-Flag have returned with power, enthusiasm and a new record label. That’s right, the fist pumping boys of summer signed with a major label. Sell-outs you say? Maybe, but it… Continue reading Spun: Anti-Flag

Spun: The Robocop Kraus

By Jon Roe

Even with new wave’s resurgence in the last few years, it’s hard to find any standout bands. Though most of these new wave bands, like the Killers or Bloc Party, have catchy songs, it seems like they’re just reviving the ’80s and bringing nothing original to the table. The Robocop Kraus take their own stab… Continue reading Spun: The Robocop Kraus

Spun: Magneta Lane

By Katherine Fletcher

The ability to dance with daggers without injuring yourself or someone else, requires extreme concentration and tons of practice. Let’s apply this concept of striving to succeed in doing something potentially dangerous–like entering the perilous realm of the music industry–to the rocking girls of Magneta Lane and their new album Dancing with Daggers. With the… Continue reading Spun: Magneta Lane

Spun: Various Artists

By Kyle Francis

Like the movie it came from, Dave Chappelle’s Block Party soundtrack is a wonderfully spontaneous meeting of soul and hip-hop performers who throw down in the name of love, unity and good times. From start to finish, Block Party plays like a live concert. Although you’ve heard the songs before, the live renditions often surpass… Continue reading Spun: Various Artists

Spun: Machinemade God

By Janice Tran

Machinemade God isn’t a band to listen to for new ideas. Though this isn’t to say they make terrible music. In fact, something about their extremely typical music is appealing. The group demonstrates a lot of skill and the screaming vocals sound great–the only thing the music lacks is creativity. On the band’s new album,… Continue reading Spun: Machinemade God

Spun: Morningwood

By Ryan Pike

When a band names themselves after boners, you’d imagine they have a sense of humour about themselves. Luckily enough, Morningwood also has a good deal of talent. Their self-titled debut album explodes onto the scene with a good selection of­­–wait for it–fun songs. There’s no artificially manufactured angst here, kids.The strength of the album is… Continue reading Spun: Morningwood

Dance Preview: Relative Notions of contemparary dance

By Samantha Leitinger

Everyone knows Calgary is growing, and it’s growing fast too. There are a lot of opportunities to make money in our city, but Calgarians need to unwind. After all, all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. One of Calgary’s leading contemporary dance companies, eko Dance Projects is putting on a fantastic way… Continue reading Dance Preview: Relative Notions of contemparary dance