Theatre Preview: Not Far Away from grand

By Colin Flynn

Isn’t life Grand? The folks at Theatre Junction certainly believe so. Corny jokes aside, the theatre companies’ newly renovated $12 million playhouse, the Grand, has reopened its doors and is set to stage its debut production. March 21 was the opening of Far Away, the first artistic performance at the Grand in more than 50… Continue reading Theatre Preview: Not Far Away from grand

Musicc Interview: Classified hip hop

By Fiona McLay

For most people, mention of the Maritimes conjures up ideas of quaint kitchen parties, idyllic fishing villages and perhaps Anne of Green Gables, but certainly not hip hop. However, Halflife/Urbnet recording artist Classified–a.k.a. Luke Boyd–hopes to change this perception. For a little over a decade now, Boyd has been making a name for himself and… Continue reading Musicc Interview: Classified hip hop

Theatre Preview: Talking vagina

By Emily Senger

Vagina. Vagina, vagina, vagina. Are you uncomfortable yet?As women across the world perform The Vagina Monologues throughout February and March, they’re refusing to let the v-word make them uncomfortable and reclaiming the body part they’re socialized to hate, fear, giggle at and deny. The V-Day Project, as it’s fondly been named, has raised over $30… Continue reading Theatre Preview: Talking vagina

Film Interview: Movies matter too, you know

By Kate Foote

In 2002, Michael Moore’s Academy Award winning documentary Bowling for Columbine became an icon of pop-culture. For arguably the first time, a documentary managed to transcend the yawn-factor traditionally associated with such films. The public has since come to embrace the art of documentary filmmaking, a fortunate transformation considering many under appreciated gems deserving accolades.… Continue reading Film Interview: Movies matter too, you know

Music Interview: Carrie Hryniw arrives in pieces

By Katherine Fletcher

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Well, Ben, how about stress, something stuff like death and taxes certainly cause? The quote-spewing American Founding Father and inventor just might change his perspective if he could witness the technology-obsessed, impersonal, tension-filled environment of the 21st… Continue reading Music Interview: Carrie Hryniw arrives in pieces

Music Interview: Wintersleep don’t sleep through winter

By Rachel Betts-Wilmott

The earth spins along at 1,669 kilometers an hour, making it impossible for any of us to truly stand still. Even if we were to somehow stop the earth in its tracks, the atoms we’re made of vibrate incessantly. While most of us fools are still trying to find some way of slowing down, the… Continue reading Music Interview: Wintersleep don’t sleep through winter

U of C’s most wanted

By Stephanie Shewchuk

The February Campus Security Report is in and it indicates students should keep one hand on their laptops at all times and leave their drugs at home. Although issues with transients and theft kept Campus Security busy, February was an otherwise uneventful month.“We had some drug paraphernalia show up in a washroom in a residence… Continue reading U of C’s most wanted

SU awards Kettles full tuition

By Ændrew Rininsland

University of Calgary student Brent Kettles will be able to afford gourmet mac’n’cheese next semester after winning the first Student Initiative Competition. The Students’ Union prized Kettles with a free semester of tuition at the first Student Initiative awards ceremony, Mon., Mar. 20.Kettles won with his proposal for the creation of a student financial education… Continue reading SU awards Kettles full tuition