Roadhouse of discrimination

By Hoan Van Nguyen

Editor, the Gauntlet,[Re: Discrimination] I was at the Roadhouse Nightclub on the evening of Thursday, March 9, 2006, at 10:30 p.m. To my disappointment I was turned away at the door because I only had one piece of government issued picture identification (a valid driver’s license). I provided my driver’s license, my social insurance, my… Continue reading Roadhouse of discrimination

Why is no one talking about Afghanistan?

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

When the Bush administration needs to discredit opponents and dissenters, the tactics they employ are simple and effective: reduce the dialogue to absolutes, set the alternate viewpoint up as a strawman on the extreme opposite end of the issue, and attack it accordingly. Witness such brilliant assertions of reasoning as “If you’re not with us,… Continue reading Why is no one talking about Afghanistan?

How to do taxes

By Ryan May

‘Tis the season. Little envelopes are filling mailboxes, people are gearing up for some big spending and students are getting ready for finals and looking forward to the break. Unfortunately, it’s not Christmas, at least for anyone who is not an accountant or a taxman. Instead, it’s tax season: the envelopes are for tax slips,… Continue reading How to do taxes

Spun: Sergio Mendes

By Hoang-Mai Hong

Legendary Brazilian pianist Sergio Mendes’ new record, produced by of the Black Eyed Peas, is a decent album of well done fusion hip-hop/R&B/bossa nova suspended be- tween another BEP record.Ripping on the Black Eyed Peas is easy, but they just don’t really fit here. Their tracks here are indeed danceable, catchy, and make you… Continue reading Spun: Sergio Mendes

Spun: Van Morrison

By Ken Clarke

Here’s the deal, Van Morrison is a temporary cowboy.Morrison’s latest release, Pay The Devil, comes seemingly wrapped in a transparent fiddle case with steel guitars weeping all over it. The bulk of this tired affair is a predictable sounding collection of country covers bringing nothing new to the table. A mere three original tunes are… Continue reading Spun: Van Morrison

Spun: The Belushis

By Ryan Pike

The Belushis play rock music and that’s all you need to know. Their debut album, Rich In Broken Glass, is proof positive.From the energetic and in-your-face opener “Black is the Rockiness Color” to the very end, The Belushis peddle a very straightforward brand of rock music. Their sound would be mediocre if not for their… Continue reading Spun: The Belushis

An excuse to stop nerdy studying

By Alyzee Sibtain

A team of ex-Dinos, dubbed Team BT, returned to the court to take the second annual University of Calgary Intramural Basketball Tournament Championship Sat., Mar. 11 with an undefeated record. Second place went to Team Roundhouse Kick to the Head and third place honours to Team ADD. This year’s tournament saw an increase in participation… Continue reading An excuse to stop nerdy studying

X-treme sports meet their match

By Sean Nyilassy

There are many great aspects to spending so much time on a university campus, including the great opportunities that arise. While 99.9 per cent of students missed this golden occasion, one journalist was able to capture all of the excitement, booze and agony of the EllisDon Arm Wrestling tournament held Sat., Mar. 11 at the… Continue reading X-treme sports meet their match