Doctor says he’s coming but you’ve gotta pay in cash

By Julianne Yip

It’s no easy task to become a medical doctor, let alone re-learning your profession in a foreign language and culture. As daunting as it may seem, this is what foreign-trained doctors must accomplish to establish their own practice in Canada. The Medical Communication Assessment Program is helping them to do just that. The M-CAP is… Continue reading Doctor says he’s coming but you’ve gotta pay in cash

So long, farewell and amen

By Kate Foote

Breakups are often messy. Pink Floyd ended in a bitter feud between David Gilmour and Roger Waters. The Eagles swore they would reunite “when hell freezes over.” In many cases, years of tension finally boil over into bitter separation. On the other hand, some breakups are downright simple. The split is an amicable decision agreed… Continue reading So long, farewell and amen

A delightful Danish Wedding

By Ryan Pike

Much noise has been made in recent years about the decline of Hollywood film and the rise in prominence of European cinema. While several nations have had significant gains in popularity and critical acclaim in recent years, others still await a breakthrough. Even though Germany’s The Lives of Others won the Academy Award for Foreign… Continue reading A delightful Danish Wedding

TheatreBOOM doles out Wedgies to audiences

By Jeff Clemens

Being a kid is tough. With poison-wielding babysitters, piles of homework and the obvious awkwardness when dealing with the opposite sex, it’s amazing that anybody manages to make it to adulthood. It’s this time in life that playwright Jason Patrick Rothery presents in TheatreBOOM’s remount of his popular play Wedgie. While the theme is juvenile,… Continue reading TheatreBOOM doles out Wedgies to audiences

A Horror show

By Kendra Kusick

The epic story of man meets plant, plant eats man! Botanophobes beware: Front Row Centre’s theatrical production of the carnivorous cult classic Little Shop of Horrors is already in full swing, and if its star Audrey II gets its way, then we’ll all have a future in fertilizer! The plot centers on a mousy florist’s… Continue reading A Horror show

Three cheers for beer!

By Ryan Pike

Homer Simpson once declared alcohol “the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.” With that in mind, there are many different ways to introduce alcohol to a person’s system. Some choose the more direct route, chugging bottles of rye and vodka without hesitation. Others choose the scenic path, opting to sip glasses of… Continue reading Three cheers for beer!