The Monarch and the Military

By Cam Cotton-O’Brien

For those in the army, disregarding the woman on the coins can bring a lot of trouble. Canadian Armed Forces Captain Aralt Mac Giolla Chainnigh found this out the hard way. In 2001, the officer–a professor of physics at the Royal Military Academy–attempted to gain exemption from the military’s mandatory swearing of loyalty to the… Continue reading The Monarch and the Military

Should we stay, or should we go now?

By Christian Louden

On the heels of the Manley report released Mon., Jan. 21, many Canadians have begun to debate what the future of Canada’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan ought to be. The report–which recommends pulling out by Feb. 2009 if NATO cannot commit an additional 1,000 troops to the Canadian occupied region of southern Afghanistan–has… Continue reading Should we stay, or should we go now?

Editorial: Bogle’s absence unfair to SAA

By Katy Anderson

On the Students’ Union’s website, beside the SU president’s photo, it states that the president sits on the Students’ Academic Assembly. However, this semester, that will not be the case. This is a problem. Despite its unglorified nature, SAA is important. It is where academic policies for students are designed and drafted and is the… Continue reading Editorial: Bogle’s absence unfair to SAA

Club me till I’m week

By Dean Hetherington

When cursing the crowds of people and cardboard trifolds you’ve been tripping over in Mac Hall this week: take a deep breath and realize that it’s that most wonderful time that comes but twice a year. It’s Clubs Week! At the beginning of every semester, the University of Calgary Students’ Union hosts this informative time… Continue reading Club me till I’m week

Public group urges change in PSE

By Chris Blatch

Alberta’s booming economy is lacking knowledge, according to an Albertan advocacy organization. Public Interest Alberta is hosting three public forums across Alberta to discuss post-secondary education. The public forums are part of PIA’s campaign It’s Time to Invest in Post-Secondary Education, which includes a 2006 survey of Alberta students and their parents. The findings of… Continue reading Public group urges change in PSE

Bookstore makes the switch from plastic to cloth

By Daniel Pagan

Now you can save Earth while buying your textbooks and coffee mugs at the University of Calgary Bookstore by giving the old plastic bags a wave good-bye. Starting last week, students can opt-out of plastic and buy cloth bags for two dollars apiece. The bookstore is phasing out its plastic bags in the next months.… Continue reading Bookstore makes the switch from plastic to cloth

SU prez to miss bi-weekly meeting

By Jon Roe

The Students’ Union president will be excused from attending Students’ Academic Assembly meetings for the rest of the semester after a narrow decision Mon., Jan. 14. The assembly voted eight to seven in favour of excusing SU president Julie Bogle from the remaining SAA meetings. SAA represents and promotes the academic interests of undergraduates, meets… Continue reading SU prez to miss bi-weekly meeting