Your finger is on the button. As an Albertan you make decisions that significantly impact the environment and economy on a global scale. You have this massive power because you help make decisions about the Alberta oilsands. How we handle this resource is pivotal to the world economy and environment. The best decisions are those made based on knowledge and the right information. Beginning on Mon., the Students’ Union is holding Enviropalooza: Oilsands Awareness Week Mar. 10 to 14.
From Mon., Mar. 10 to Thu., Mar. 13, there will be informative displays and interactive oil-sands activities being presented in Mac Hall’s north courtyard all day. On Wed., Mar. 12 there will be a screening of the documentary “Toxic Alberta” at 7 p.m. in MacEwan Ballroom. The film is produced by, (the sister company of Vice magazine) and gives an eye-opening look at the environmental, social and economic issues surrounding the oilsands. Director Eddy Morretti will be in attendance to speak about the film and do a Q&A with the audience. At noon on Wed., Mar. 12, Eddy Morretti will join Globe and Mail reporter Dave Ebner and a panel of other guests for a broad discussion of oilsands issues to take place in the North Courtyard.
The whole week wraps up on Fri., Mar. 14 in MacEwan Hall with the sustainability open house. Be active, be informed, come out to oilsands awareness events Mar. 10-14. For more information, visit
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