Newsflash: acclaimed ATP play still very good

By Ryan Pike

Two and a half years ago, Alberta Theatre Projects’ presentation of The Syringa Tree received a great deal of clamour and acclaim. At the time, Gauntlet reviewer Kyle Francis concluded the play was worthy of “every little bit of praise it gets,” singling out the performance of Meg Roe specifically. A great deal has changed… Continue reading Newsflash: acclaimed ATP play still very good

The spotlight shines bright on Junos

By Jordyn Marcellus

Canadian music isn’t a genre. Despite the numerous commentators on American music radio that prattle on and lump it all into one giant melange, like any country, we’ve got an exceptionally diverse music base. Watching the Junos on Sun. night was an opportunity to really understand how far the Canadian music industry has begun to… Continue reading The spotlight shines bright on Junos


By Ryan Pike

This past weekend, the Juno Awards came to Calgary for the first time. Somehow, the Gauntlet managed to snag accreditation for both the highly-publicized awards show on Sunday and the low-key gala the night before. Intrepid boy reporter and Entertainment Editor Ryan Pike recorded his experiences for posterity with over 10 pages of disorganized, handwritten… Continue reading JUNOTACULAR

SU View: BSD–Digital Revolution

By Richard Freeman

Fear not! The Taylor Family Digital Library construction will not get in the way of the Digital Revolution: Bermuda Shorts Day 2008! This year’s party on Fri., Apr. 18 is jam-packed with the finest bands from around the country. Michael Bernard Fitzgerald will be rocking a party set with triple-drum action. Jah Cutta will be… Continue reading SU View: BSD–Digital Revolution

Letter: Pipe dreams

By Blair

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “Legalize by 2010,” Ændrew Rininsland, Apr. 3 Gauntlet] Canada spends more than twice as much money per person in the Canadian prisons as the USA. Thus, American prisons are more than twice as bad. Optimism in your column is based on an opinion that the fascist plutocracy–and fascist police state–are not… Continue reading Letter: Pipe dreams

Letter: Wapta tips

By Michael Budd

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Mighty Wapta,” Chris Pedersen, Apr. 3 Gauntlet] An exhilarating trip indeed, no matter how many times it’s done. Just a couple of quick observations: 1. When you go over Balfour Col, you can practically avoid all crevasses if you hang close to the rock ridge on the left. This is… Continue reading Letter: Wapta tips

Of big bangs and expensive lawyers

By Cam Cotton-O'Brien

In the interest of solving some of the riddles that physics has struggled with for a long time, a group of scientists in Switzerland is getting ready to experiment with colliding particles. There is much anticipation this experiment could provide the scientific community with a great deal of knowledge they can’t otherwise acquire. Some fear,… Continue reading Of big bangs and expensive lawyers

Letter: A lesson worth re-learning

By John Chase

Editor, the Gauntlet, Hilarious to read Ændrew Rininsland’s column “Legalize By 2010.” [Apr. 2 Gauntlet]. I am a 74-year-old American not holding his breath for legalization in 2010. We simply have too far to go. Consider that decriminalization is being touted as a way to free police resources to go after “kingpins.” We Americans should… Continue reading Letter: A lesson worth re-learning

Editorial: Watching the world wake up from history… again

By Jon Roe

December 27, 1979. 700 Soviet troops dressed in Afghan military uniforms occupy government, military and media buildings in Kabul. In response, United States president Jimmy Carter issued an ultimatum that the U.S. would boycott the upcoming 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow if the USSR. did not withdraw its troops by just after midnight on Feb.… Continue reading Editorial: Watching the world wake up from history… again