We found 3 results for your search.

Of big bangs and expensive lawyers

By Cam Cotton-O'Brien

In the interest of solving some of the riddles that physics has struggled with for a long time, a group of scientists in Switzerland is getting ready to experiment with colliding particles. There is much anticipation this experiment could provide the scientific community with a great deal of knowledge they can’t otherwise acquire. Some fear,… Continue reading Of big bangs and expensive lawyers

Violence on the sub-continent

By Cam Cotton-O'Brien

Sadly, the fevered rumours of violence in India are not just the fantasies of malarial dreams. They are the all-too-real reports resulting from a rapidly-industrializing state’s struggles with development and the desperately impoverished that are being left out. Maharshtra is the most economically viable state in India. Home to Mumbai (Bombay), it is also rapidly… Continue reading Violence on the sub-continent

The wrath of grapes

By Cam Cotton-O'Brien

France is facing a strange terrorist threat as disgruntled wine farmers decide to get heavy. The wine farmers have organised themselves into a group known as the Crav with the express purpose of forcing newly-elected French president Nicholas Sarkozy to raise the price of wine. They claim the current cost of wine is too low… Continue reading The wrath of grapes