Dinosaur brought to life using 3D animation

By Sean Willett

In 2012 a team of paleontologists, including University of Calgary professor Dr. Darla Zelenitsky, discovered the first fossil evidence of feathered dinosaurs in North America. The discovery was also notable for being the first evidence that Ornithomimus edmonticus — a lithe therapod dinosaur that resembled modern ostriches — had both feathers and primitive wing-like structures… Continue reading Dinosaur brought to life using 3D animation

New myUofC portal launched

By Sean Sullivan

Early last month a new MyUofC portal was launched providing a new navigation system for students. The new MyUofC portal has been designed to provide easy navigation through the different online systems students need. The new portal, launched on Aug. 13, allows students to access many of the MyUofC features in one window, with their… Continue reading New myUofC portal launched

Vandalism rife during O-week

By Riley Hill

O-week had a rough start this year as the University of Calgary had a surge of vandalism. After volunteers for orientation week painted directions on the sidewalk to point new students to the buildings they’re looking for, someone else painted directions that are completely wrong. For example, there was writing saying “business” pointing to Science… Continue reading Vandalism rife during O-week

U of C community marches in Calgary’s pride parade

By Chris Adams

Enthusiastic supporters of the LGBTQA community marched on Sept. 1 at the city’s annual pride parade. Sunday’s march had an estimated 35,000 people, made up of community members from throughout Calgary. The University of Calgary’s faculty of medicine, along with delegates from the Students’ Union, joined the parade in support of LGBTQA rights. Marching alongside… Continue reading U of C community marches in Calgary’s pride parade

Bow Valley College creates disabilities studies program

By Tina Shaygan

Of all the schools affected by the provincial budget cuts, few were hit as hard as Mount Royal University. After the cuts, MRU was left with a $14 million budget shortfall, resulting in the suspension of several programs. One of these was the school’s disabilities studies program, which was the only one of its kind… Continue reading Bow Valley College creates disabilities studies program