Heart disease: the silent killer of women

By Sharanya Ramesh

A doctor explains to his female patient that there are studies of fruit flies, mice, hamsters, frogs, monkeys and men with her particular condition —­ but medical research using women as subjects simply never occurred to anyone. I came across this cartoon while preparing for a presentation highlighting the gap in knowledge ofheart disease in… Continue reading Heart disease: the silent killer of women

Confronting the failures of feminism

By Kate Jacobson

At some point during the evolution of women’s rights, feminism became a club that everyone could join by saying the right words and thinking the right thoughts. By virtue of believing men and women are equal, one suddenly joined a constantly evolving and changing social movement. This inclusiveness is gimmicky and reductive, but serves a… Continue reading Confronting the failures of feminism

New speaker’s corner in MacHall

By Riley Hill

The University of Calgary Civil Liberties Association (UcCLA) recently approached the Students’ Union about setting up a speaker’s corner in MacHall. If all goes to plan, students would record 60-second videos where they could speak their mind on pressing social issues. “What we’re doing is a sort of speaker’s booth,” said UCcLA vice-president events Hurmut… Continue reading New speaker’s corner in MacHall

Construction leads to loss of prayer space

By Sean Sullivan

Renovations for the new MacEwan Conference and Event Centre have emphasized the need for more prayer space on campus. The Conference and Event Centre is moving from the second floor of MacHall to the old Women’s Resource Centre on the third floor, next to the Multi-Faith Prayer Room and Chapel. However, the increasing number of… Continue reading Construction leads to loss of prayer space