Senate – Kassim Amery

The experience Amery has working for an Member of Parliament for the past four summers might help him deal with the members of the senate by doing what he is told, but might hurt him when bringing students issues to the table.

He has investigated the role of the senate and its current projects to such an extreme, it seems as if he copied and pasted from the senate homepage straight to the platform he gave to the Gauntlet Election Committee.

Amery was also the subject of harsh allegations made by the Students’ Union’s Chief Returning Officer for allegedly breaking by-laws in the fall SU by-election.’Pearce also only seemingly investigated who the senate is and what the senate does to the extent of looking at the senate webpage. This clear lack of caring shows he is in this race since he saw no one else running initially. He will most likely simply take his free parking pass and go to the many banquets put on around Calgary by the University of Calgary Senate.

How will you identify student issues and how will you bring those issues, once identified, to the senate?

How will you enhance the effectiveness of student representation?

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