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By Richard Lam
From the opening organ and strings of “Wicked Blood,” it’s easy to see Sea Wolf’s influences. The emotional rock songs on White Water, White Bloom, their sophomore album, are immediately reminiscent of Arcade Fire and Modest Mouse. Lead singer Alex Brown Church’s vocals even sound like a slightly sadder, deep-voiced Win Butler. As such, the… Continue reading Spun: Sea Wolf
By Alex Brown
"Sensation overload," says Tinu Sinha of his first impressions of India’s culture. Sinha participated in the study abroad program offered by the University of Calgary, spending three months at the University of Pune, a city in western India. The effect that Sinha’s foray into India’s culture had on him is evident in the documentary he… Continue reading Indian culture emerges onscreen
By Alex Brown
John Will is a man fascinated equally by politics and bumper stickers. So says Christine Sowiak, curator of Will’s gallery exhibit, describing the artist’s eccentricities. Such eccentricities are showcased in John Will: Ain’t Paralyzed Yet, which runs at the Nickle Arts Museum from Feb. 9 to April 21. The former U of C professor’s exhibit… Continue reading Enigmatic artwork defines prof’s career
By Alex Brown
Every superhero must have a nemesis; every white knight, a dark opponent. Playwright Connie Gault investigates this age-old theme of cosmic duality as it relates to human nature, examining ordinary, basic emotions in conjunction with their sinister twins. Strings of opposing images make up the unlikely backbone of her play Red Lips; red lips in… Continue reading Opposing sides of life examined
By Alex Brown
As a woman, I am one Y-chromosome short of the genetic makeup necessary to appreciate Jennifer Lopez to the greatest extent. However in her most recent venture, The Wedding Planner, Lopez downplays her more obvious assets in favour of a grownup attempt at acting. As the title suggests, Lopez plays a professional wedding planner named… Continue reading Don’t let Lopez plan your wedding
By Alex Brown
"I’d really like it if the audience screamed during the show," says David McIntosh. "It would be nice to have that permission to engage with the audience in that way." McIntosh, along with Lee Su-Feh, comprises Battery Opera, a Vancouver-based dance company currently performing here in Reptile Diva. McIntosh and Su-Feh are working to create… Continue reading Reptile Diva slithers through spaces
By Alex Brown
"A duet for three." This wonderful articulation, both poetic and paradoxical, creates an atmosphere of smokey spirituality, which is precisely the purpose of this unique phrase. As the subtitle for The Darling Family, these words set the mood for the theatrical journey that follows. The players in this duet are He and She, a couple… Continue reading Play a darling
By Alex Brown
The problem one would imagine would be to find boys whose voices had not yet changed. Who else could properly imitate an appropriately feminine voice? Someone had to act the roles women were not permitted to take. So it was during the time of William Shakespeare, when plays were acted entirely by men. This is… Continue reading Shakespeare a labour in love on stage
By Alex Brown
A voice begins its wordless song and a faceless figure dances across the screen. After five minutes of figures moving to the heartbeat of this ethereal rhythm, a sun sets, leaving behind a wash of fading colour. Viewers are left with the sense that they have reached the beginning. This is precisely what animator Wayne… Continue reading Local animator spices up Calgary film festival
By Alex Brown
Kina Cosper, formerly of R&B group Brownstone, released her debut solo album this summer. Cosper’s self-titled album is a creative infusion of rock, blues, soul and pop. Hard-edge tracks such as her single, "Girl from the Gutter," radiate with angry passion, while slower ballads "Give and Take" and "Still Here" showcase Cosper’s considerable artistic ability.… Continue reading Kina Cosper — self-titled