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Field hockey, men’s soccer get the axe

By Chris ‘Doc’ Pedersen

University of Calgary athletes will have to worry about more than just scoring goals next season. The U of C athletics department announced last Wednesday that funding to the men’s soccer and field hockey teams will be terminated, effective immediately. The university is currently suffering from the recession and has been forced to make cutbacks.… Continue reading Field hockey, men’s soccer get the axe

Editorial: The failing research funding balancing act

By Chris “Doc” Pedersen

Ottawa was invaded last month by thousands of Canadian professors looking to promote change and let the government know they would no longer work for peanuts. In May, the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences met to discuss research funding. The event was an opportunity for academics across Canada to address with politicians the… Continue reading Editorial: The failing research funding balancing act

Zimbabwe’s violence leads to inflation

By Chris Pedersen

With the Zimbabwe government perpetrating violence against its people, a group of lawyers works amidst destruction to protect victims. Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights executive director Irene Petras and member Andrew Makoni were at the Glenbow museum Nov. 27 to speak about the human rights violations and hardships that Zimbabweans endure every day. ZLHR is… Continue reading Zimbabwe’s violence leads to inflation