Xenophobia: intense or irrational dislike or fear of strangers, foreigners or anyone perceived as different. Albeit a social faux pas, it is quite possible that this fear of “the other” was of evolutionary value, making it a psychological trait that was selected for in our ancestral past. Phewww. I thought the angry Americans protesting against… Continue reading Whatever happened to religious freedom?
Results for "Crystal Jardine"
Yoga’s future depends on its flexibility
My uptown Calgary condo is within easy walking distance of at least eight yoga studios, possibly even more. This is not unique — in most major Canadian and American cities the ubiquity of the yoga studio is commonplace. Clearly, North Americans love yoga. But are we truly in love with the ancient Indian art or… Continue reading Yoga’s future depends on its flexibility
The burden of the burqa
My spring adventure to the Middle East opened my eyes to Islamic culture. A month of travel was barely enough time to scratch the surface of this fascinating mix of chaos and beauty but it was, nonetheless, an unforgettable experience. While the four countries I visited (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey) varied considerably in their… Continue reading The burden of the burqa