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Columnist clubbed to death

By Corky Thatcher

Carleton University in Ottawa welcomes their frosh students to campus life with a week-long party which includes wearing funny, spray-painted t-shirts, ridiculous games, and lots of drinking. Yes, drinking-focused events-the lowest common denominator kind that despite apprehensions, make you begin to feel connected and accepted into an intimidating new group. Hey, it’s no U of… Continue reading Columnist clubbed to death

It’s not my fault

By Corky Thatcher

You first. No, I insist. After you. Go ahead. I’ll go next.Carry on. Lead the way. I’m right behind you. Me and everyone else.One of the most popular gifts one can give after the holiday season is blame. Blame for why you’re not carrying out (or in some cases even bothering to put together) a… Continue reading It’s not my fault