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Promoting change

By Rowena Sampang

A plebiscite question on the upcoming Students’ Union election ballot asks whether students support the implementation of a student-run Public Interest Group through an optional levy. PIRGs, already established in 18 universities across Canada, are non-profit organizations promoting student activism, research and social change. The goals of the U of C PIRG include a resource… Continue reading Promoting change

Nobel nominee opposes Iraqi sanctions

By Rowena Sampang

Nobel Peace Prize nominee Denis J. Halliday spoke on behalf of Iraqi people on Nov. 18, giving audience members an alternative perspective to what is regularly portrayed in the media. Halliday’s lecture was titled "Genocide in Iraq: What Can We Do To Stop It?" Halliday, a former United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Humanitarian Coordinator… Continue reading Nobel nominee opposes Iraqi sanctions

The new music man

By Rowena Sampang

Chad Saunders lives by the motto, "finish what you start," and he is fulfilling that motto as the new station manager for CJSW, hoping to add a few more tricks to his lively past at the University of Calgary. Saunders graduated from the U of C in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts in geography… Continue reading The new music man

The Faculty of Medicine wants your body

By Rowena Sampang

Interested in making a charitable contribution? Consider donating your body to science. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary recently expressed a great need for body donations, due to increasing class sizes. Cadavers in the classroom are used to foster medical learning and research. "Body donation after death has been in existence at… Continue reading The Faculty of Medicine wants your body

Kinesiology Fundraising begins

By Rowena Sampang

A "major beginning to fundraising" occurred in the Faculty of Kinesiology on July 26. The faculty received $3.2 million of the more than $4 million granted to the University of Calgary from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. The federal government established the CFI, a not-for-profit organization, in 1997 to assess the need for state-of-the-art research,… Continue reading Kinesiology Fundraising begins