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Letter: A Rebuttal

By Robert Schmiel

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Muslim,” letter, Dec. 7, 2006.] Fact is evidently an unfamiliar concept to Allison Dube. Mr. Dube criticizes my letter on Sarah Malik’s article series, “The Muslim,” for “faulting her for writing something she was not trying to write”–a “history of Islam.” In fact, the lead paragraph on the first instalment… Continue reading Letter: A Rebuttal

This is one Angry Arab

By Sarah Malik

The Angry Arab News Service has an unlikely man behind it. The controversial blog site is the product of author, journalist and academic Dr. As’ad AbuKhalil, a man who calls himself a secular atheist, is a leftist, was married to a Jewish woman and broke into “Jingle Bells” during an interview from California with the… Continue reading This is one Angry Arab

Letter: “The Muslim” Informative

By Dr. Allison Dube

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 16 and 23, 2006] I would like both to praise Sarah Malik’s series of articles on “The Muslim” and disagree strongly with professor Schmiel’s charge that they are “one-sided.” Ms. Malik’s articles have done a great job shedding light on two important themes if we… Continue reading Letter: “The Muslim” Informative

A delicate balance

By Sarah Malik

In Muslim countries, most children are taught to read the Arabic Qur’an. In the villages, the madrassahs where Qur’an is taught are sometimes the only available venue for learning and literacy. In Pakistan, minorities are of such small number that they use Islamic greetings and phrases like Assalamu’alaiqum (peace be upon you) and Insha’allah (God… Continue reading A delicate balance

Letter: Kudos on “The Muslim”

By Amir Sharar

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “Muslim feature one-sided,” letter, Nov. 30, 2006] I began to read Robert Schmiel’s letter regarding Sarah Malik’s three-part feature on modern day Muslims with great interest. Okay, I made that part up, but I found nothing that would dispute her facts; rather his letter simply states that Malik’s article wasn’t written… Continue reading Letter: Kudos on “The Muslim”

Letter: Muslim feature one-sided

By Robert Schmiel

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 16, and 23, 2006] I began to read Sarah Malik’s three-part feature on Muslims with great interest. I wanted to understand “the world’s most misunderstood religion,” and “the history of Islam.” But I find almost nothing on the Islamic religion, and the history of Islam… Continue reading Letter: Muslim feature one-sided

Online Exclusive: Letter: Muslim feature awesome

By Arthur JC Schmidt

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 16, and 23, 2006] In her article series, Ms. Malik expresses a feeling of injustice done to her community, and rightly so in a number of cases. One is also made aware that she sees as incorrect the western world’s perception of her faith and… Continue reading Online Exclusive: Letter: Muslim feature awesome

A soldier’s life, outside the wire

By Sarah Malik

It isn’t very often there are soldiers sitting at the front of a university classroom. But, for Dr. Anne Irwin’s presentation on Canadian soldiers’ lives ‘outside the Wire,’ there they were, swiveling in their seats, still slightly sunburnt from their tour in Afghanistan, their berets respectfully set aside. An anthropology professor at the University of… Continue reading A soldier’s life, outside the wire

Letter: Seeking Soapbox

By Arthur JC Schmidt

[Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 2006] In the spirit of equality please provide for the Jewish and Christian communities on campus to write as extensively on their self-understanding as you have the Muslims. Arthur JC Schmidt [Editor’s note: Our volunteer base is open to all members of the university community.]