O’Neill Avenue

By Paul Haavardsrud

Somewhere between Melissa’s 10 km Road Race and the distance Mao Tse Tung walked on the Long March lies a road of indeterminate length. With two games under their early season belts, the Dinosaurs women’s soccer team is ready to find out just how far the road to Canada West respectability can stretch. After a… Continue reading O’Neill Avenue

Winning isn’t everything but…

By Jarrod Furh

The agony of defeat.This simple statement sums up the Dinosaurs men’s basketball season last year. After suffering numerous injuries to key experienced players and being forced to field many new and inexperienced young men, the Dinos played their season out to a final record of four wins and 16 losses.This record is less than flattering.… Continue reading Winning isn’t everything but…

What’s in your water?

By Ryan Pelletier

Do you have any idea what is added to our drinking water? Vice- president Information Services for the University of Calgary EcoClub Cody Torgerson does, and he and the rest of the EcoClub want everyone to understand the current debate surrounding the fluoridation of our drinking water. This is why the EcoClub is hosting a… Continue reading What’s in your water?

Next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways

By Mary Chan

The University of Calgary finalized and signed the Pepsi deal this week, after signing a letter of intent with the soft drink company over a year ago.“I believe the contract has been signed,” said U of C Executive Director for Community Relations Stuart Reid. “I imagine within the last few days.”“[With] a letter of intent,… Continue reading Next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways

Drinks o’ plenty

By Carla Young

To pub crawl or not to pub crawl, that is the question.The Students’ Union Alcohol Policy states that the consumption of alcohol cannot be the primary focus of SU club events on or off campus. It is difficult to get insurance to cover high-risk activities such as pub crawls and, last year, clubs had trouble… Continue reading Drinks o’ plenty

Wanted: aspiring politicians

By Robert Granger

Wanted: Aspiring politicians from the faculties of Education, Kinesiology and Social Work. Said folk are urged to apply for a position as a Student Academic Assembly Faculty Representative.Students’ Union Chief Returning Officer Lia Rogers is eagerly awaiting the submission of declaration nominations (i.e., statement of candidacy).“There are still many positions open as of today–we only… Continue reading Wanted: aspiring politicians

Winning Ugly: the ’98 Hockeysaurs

By Anne-Marie Bruzga

Imagine the Anaheim Mighty Ducks without Teemu Selanne and Paul Kariya-or can you? What do you do when half your goals are taken away?The University of Calgary Dinosaurs men’s hockey team faces just such a situation as the season comes closer to its beginning, the only difference being the expectations of a sounder defence than… Continue reading Winning Ugly: the ’98 Hockeysaurs

Blur, cheerleaders, and confused cowboys–they don’t just go woo hoo

By Julie Boulton

My payback for beating Chris last week was an assignment covering the Dinosaurs cheerleading tryouts: something I am just so suited to, given I don’t have blond hair, I own no make-up and my build is more suited to those playing on the field than those cheering about it (which posed a slight problem when… Continue reading Blur, cheerleaders, and confused cowboys–they don’t just go woo hoo